Poems - 143.

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Chapter 143

"So, Head Boy- sorry, James," Adria teased as she sat across from James at the Gryffindor table, her hand clasped in Sirius' beside her as Peter let out a laugh, "who woulda thought?"

"Oh shush," James scoffed, rolling his eyes as he fixed his glasses, his arm lazily around a smirking Lily, "I was, of course, the perfect choice."

"Yeah, this school really has went downhill," Adria joked, a grin spread across her lips until James kicked her under the table, earning a yelp and a glare from the girl as she spoke, "that was so uncalled for you little shi-"

"Addy," she cut herself off as she turned around, a frown attacking her lips at the sight of Alina, the look on the girls face showed sadness, and that thought alone worried Adria greatly.

"Allie, are you alright?!" asked Adria, suddenly standing to make sure nothing had happened to her, her eyes widening as she burst into tears, a sob escaping her lips as she threw her arms around Adria.

"D-do you think I'm a- a slut, Addy?" asked Alina, her voice barely a whisper as she sobbed into her sister's shoulder.

"What?!" Adria exclaimed, "of course I don't, Alina, who said that?!"

"I heard it in the library, A-Adria, they didn't know I was there," Alina's voice cracked as she gripped onto Adria's shirt, "Eliot was with them, Addy."

"What?!" Adria shrieked, her eyes narrowing to slits.

"He didn't say anything, but he didn't even defend me!" Alina exclaimed, shaking her head, "h-he's supposed to be my best friend!"

"I know, Allie," Adria whispered softly, stroking Alina's hair softly, tangling her hand in the curls, "come on, sit down," she guided her to sit down, watching Sirius turn with a curious look until he saw Alina's tears.

"Allie!" Sirius exclaimed, pushing himself out of his chair and in front of his baby sister, "what happened, are you alright?"

"It seems as though some little twats have been calling Alina names," Adria frowned, watching Sirius glance at her with a frown, reaching for Alina's hand.

"Like what?"


"What?!" Sirius shrieked, his eyes narrowing to slits as he asked, "who?"

"No one important," Alina croaked out, shaking her head, "don't do anything, Sirius, please."

"And let them get away with it?!" his voice boomed, so much to the point that they had some lingering gazes from students.

"Al?" a voice unfamiliar to both Adria and Sirius asked, pushing himself up from just down the Gryffindor table, and soon the boy strolled over to then.

Adria watched as Alina threw her head back, furiously trying to wipe her tears as the boy crouched in front of her, evident concern over his features as he asked, "what's wrong, are you alright?"

Sirius and Adria shared a look, silently arguing about what to do when they saw the boy reach for Alina's hand, "why are you crying, Allie, what's happened?!" the boy's voice raised ever so slightly, trying to decipher what had happened.

"Some people were talking about me," Alina shrugged as though it was no big deal, as though she wasn't sobbing, "they called me some harsh names, I suppose, but I'm just being over emotional, I'm fine."

"What did they call you, Al?" the boy asked, and Adria couldn't help but wonder why Alina wasn't making any protest to stop him from calling her that.

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