Poems - 30.

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Chapter 30

Adria's summer was far too uneventful for her liking, she felt as though there was only two days that she enjoyed and the first was when Sirius and James visited, but other than that she rarely done anything. She was, however, grounded for a day when her parents found out that she hid from her cousins, but she was let off the hook as soon as they went home.

The second day was during summer just a week after her day out with Sirius and James, when the mail arrived and an envelope addressed to Alina arrived, from Hogwarts telling her that she would be joining the school for the new year, this year.

It was safe to say that both Alina and Adria where ecstatic to hear the news.

Currently, she was standing at Kings Cross Station with Alina about to board the train back to Hogwarts and she couldn't be happier, she loved her family but she loved Hogwarts and she knew that she would be much more entertained with her friends during the school year rather than bored in her room.

She had said her goodbyes to her parents and her family which was longer than expected when her parents wouldn't let go of both her and Alina, squeezing them tightly muttering about how Alina better not grow up as fast as Adria did, but well, Adria couldn't really help that she had grown up.

"Right Allie," Adria smiled softly, crouching down to her height, "the worst thing I done in first year was keep to myself and not talk to people, okay? I don't want you to be as lonely as I was, I don't want your only friend at Hogwarts to be me, so I think you should go off on your own, and try and find friends now, unless you want to stay with me, that's completely fine."

"No," Alina shook her head, a wide grin on her lips as she eyed the train, "I want to go on my own, I think I'll make friends."

"I think you will too," Adria whispered, a wide smile on her lips as she hugged Alina tightly, "I'll not be able to see you before the sorting, but I'll be proud of you whichever house you get into."

"And three out of four houses I have friends in, so I'm sure they'll keep an eye out for you just like I will." Adria reassured her, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly.

"I think I'll be okay, Addy," Alina giggled, "but I'll see you tonight anyway, after the sorting, right?"

"Yes, of course," Adria nodded, "I'll make sure to find you, you're gonna love it Allie."

"I'll see you later, Adria," Alina whispered, throwing her arms around her older sister in a tight hug before rushing onto the train.

Adria was left alone on the platform, standing up from her crouched position she looked around the platform for anyone of her friends, "Adria!" she turned at the familiar voice of Remus, a wide grin on her lips as she threw her arms around him in a hug once he approached, grinning just like she was.

"Remus!" she laughed, a wide smile on her lips as she looked at him, "are you taller, I think you're taller?"

"Is that even possible?" he asked, raising an eyebrow to which she shrugged, "I like your hair." He complimented, noticing her hair loosely braided down her back instead of messily around her.

"Thanks!" she grinned, "I didn't know what else to do with it, it's getting too long!"

"No way!" he joked, earning a gentle push as they attempted to slip through the crowded station, of course proving difficult with Remus lanky long legs, a nickname Adria had just thought of.

"You're not really going to call me that, are you?" asked Remus when Adria projected her thoughts of the nickname, "it's a rather long nickname, don't you think?"

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