Poems - 107.

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Chapter 107

The week after the exam was eventful to say the least, for the majority of time before her exams until that very week after did Peter find it wise to avoid her whenever she attempted to talk to him, and seeing as she was his best friend, she wasn't going to let him just ignore her forever.

So, she set out to find him, seeing as her multiple trips to the dormitory where unsuccessful in her adventure to seek out the boy, she knew he was hiding from her, obviously, but she just didn't know where. She wondered if he was using wormtail as a disguise to get out of talking to her, knowing that James had let it slip that she wished to talk to him, but instead of just mustering up some courage to face the girl, Peter done the opposite.

"Peter Pettigrew, you stop right there!" Adria shrieked as she rushed down the steps from the girl's dormitory one afternoon the following week, she watched as he tried to sneak off from the couches where he sat with the boys, but Adria wasn't going to let him go so easy.

She marched over to him, grabbing him by the ear which earned a yelp and guided him over to the couch, a huff escaping her lips as she sat down beside him, her legs draped over his for both comfort and so he wouldn't be able to leave.

He let an exasperated sigh escape his lips as his shoulders slumped and he finally turned to look at her after a few moments of silence between both of them and the three boys staring at them - of course, not amused by the whole ordeal - with his face red with humiliation.

"Stop avoiding me!" she exclaimed, reaching for his hand with a frown on her lips, "Pete I don't care about walking in on whatever you and Thea where doing, and besides it's more than what they three are getting anyway, so don't let them wind you up!"

"Oh thanks, Ads, really," James scoffed, shaking his head disappointedly, but Adria couldn't help but smile when Peter couldn't help his.

"Don't you feel awkward?" asked Peter, shrugging as he said so as though it was rather obvious that she should.

"Peter I was more humiliated for interrupting you, I should be the one avoiding you!" Adria laughed, "I felt awkward when it happened bloody ages ago but it's happened now, hasn't it? We can't turn back the clock and I miss my Peter!" she huffed, earning an eyeroll from the boy as he leaned over to hug her tightly.

"I was just embarrassed," he whispered in her ear, "about you, um, seeing me the way I look, and stuff, you're my best friend Ads, but the only person I suppose I'm alright with seeing me even with just my shirt off is Thea, I hate how I look, she's one of the only people to give me confidence."

Adria frowned as she patted Peter's cheek, a sigh escaping her lips as she tightened her grip on their hug, "Pete, you are handsome, okay? And just because you have some extra weight doesn't make you any less handsome, and besides, you're a great hugger!" Adria giggled, earning a chuckle from the boy himself.

"Really?" he asked, his eyebrow raised as he pulled away, sparing a glance at the boy's looking at the two suspiciously.

"Yes, of course, Pete," Adria beamed, "I wouldn't lie to you, I love you too much!"

"Thanks, Adria," he mumbled, throwing his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in for a hug, "I know that those three are considered the good-looking ones of the group, so it's just, it's hard, I guess."

"I know, Peter," Adria nodded, her voice just above a whisper as she stared at him, seeing the pain on his face she hadn't realised just how insecure the boy was before, she really didn't think he had anything to be insecure about, but even herself, with the amount of praise she always seemed to get, and the compliments from Sirius, she was still insecure, she couldn't help but feel her heart breaking when she heard his voice crack as he spoke, finally voicing his thoughts on himself, he didn't realise just how much he wasn't so fond of himself, "but you are beautiful inside and out, and I know that, and bloody hell so does Thea, she's so bloody in love with you, and you deserve that, you deserve her, really Pete!"

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