Poems - 16.

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Chapter 16

"I like your house," Sirius grinned as they arrived at nightfall, it must've been around eleven at night when they finally arrived in Scotland, and Adria was exhausted. She was dragging her trunk into her home, which she didn't think was much.

It was two stories; a plain house really but inside was cosy and homey and she wouldn't have it any other way. There was five bedrooms, one of which was tiny that belonged to Alina and the biggest belonged to her parents. Adria's room was one of the biggest, after her parents, which her brothers didn't think was fair at all, seeing as she was away most of the year.

The living room was her mother's favourite room when she was decorating their home, she was a lover of bright and airy, instead of furniture everywhere, which is why the room resembled one you would see in a beach house, with a large beige couch facing a fire place, with two other couches facing a coffee table in the middle. The colour of the walls was a pale blue and there was light wooden floor on the ground which was definitely airy.

"It's not much," Benji scoffed as he passed, "bloody boring village that we live in, though."

"It's home, though." Adria grinned, finally letting go of her trunk. Sirius sat his next to hers, trailing after her as she sat on the comfortable sofa, "I missed this couch!" she exclaimed, rubbing her hand over the soft fabric whilst Sirius watched her with a laugh.

"I'm tired," whined Alina as she trailed through the door before Alfie who shut it after him, Adria sighed as she got up.

"Do you want a bedtime story?" she asked Alina, crouching down to her height where the smaller of the two of them leaned her head on her sisters shoulder.

"A wizard one?" asked Alina, rubbing her eyes tiredly, whilst a small yawn escaped her lips.

"Yes, a wizard one," Adria giggled, taking her hand and leading her upstairs, whilst leaving Sirius to fend for himself between Benji and Alfie who sat at each side of him on the couch.

"Is Sirius your boyfriend?" Alina asked tiredly as they entered her bedroom.

"No, of course not!" Adria exclaimed, laughing slightly awkwardly, "why would you ask that?"

"Because when you tell me all those stories about the way the prince looks at the princess when he's in love, it's the look Sirius gives you, that I imagine the prince gives the princess." Adria felt the blush creep onto her cheeks as she shook her head furiously at her little sister.

"Sirius looks at me like a friend, Alina," Adria chuckled, "don't go getting ideas."

"I was only saying!" she exclaimed, crawling into her bed after changing into her pyjamas. Adria pulled herself onto the bed adorned in pink, sitting cross legged as she waited for her sister to get comfortable.

"Now, this wizard story," Adria grinned, "name your topic!"

"Love," Alina grinned cheekily, watching Adria roll her eyes as she nodded, "you're good at them."

"That's odd since I've never loved someone," Adria giggled, "I think I'm a little too young."

"But you're old." Alina frowned.

"I'm not really," Adria shook her head, "Alfie's older than me."

"Oh yeah," Alina nodded, "can I tell you a secret?"

"Obviously," Adria laughed, leaning closer so that Alina could whisper.

"I don't like Abigail very much," she whispered, "she's rather annoying."

"I completely agree." Adria grinned, thankful that she wasn't the only one to not like Abigail. Benji wouldn't say anything bad about her because he fancied her himself, so she was glad Alina was there to share her dislike.

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