Poems - 158.

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Chapter 158

"Hi mum," Adria whispered, her hand tightly clasped in Sirius' whilst she watched Jude push himself forward onto the grass, waddling over to the gravestone that stood proudly, littered with snow but the boy didn't mind much, at all, actually, his small arms wrapped around the stone without so much as to why he was doing it, his young mind just knew it was right.

"Is she here, Addy?" asked Jude, his chubby cheeks red with the nippy air that engulfed them in the grave yard, head titled ever so slightly as he looked back at his sister with pain etched across her features, "can she see us?!"

"She can, baby, she's here," Adria nodded, reaching out her hand which Jude soon reluctantly took, soon waddling into her arms, and plopping himself onto her legs which crossed into a basket, "i-I've never been before."

"I know," Sirius mumbled softly, soon taking a seat beside her with a painful look which closely resembled Adria's written across his face, soon reaching for her hand which intertwined with his tightly, her eyes closed, welled with tears that threatened to spill, "she understands why."

She had been meaning to come thousands of time, every visit home since the day of her mother's passing did she wish to visit her, but she was restricted, there was an ache, a pain which told her that it wasn't a good idea, that seeing her mother wouldn't be good for anyone, it was horrid, and hurtful, and she wished she didn't feel the way she did about visiting the place.

The graveyard was sombre, dull, grey clouds engulfed the sky sending misery, no one wished to be in the graveyard, they wished that the people, the loved ones that they were visiting weren't here, but at home with wide smiling faces.

"This is pretty weird, Addy," Jude whispered, eyeing the gravestone in front of him, the strap of his dungarees falling over his arm, he had insisted that he not wear a coat because he was too cool for that, his own words, so the boy's cheeks had reddened drastically in the cold air.

"He sounds more and more like you every bloody day," Adria commented, wrapping her arm around the boy's stomach and pulling him down onto her lap, "it's alright baby, is there anything you wanna say to mummy?"

"I love you, mummy," Jude whispered, squirming suddenly in Adria's grip, and soon standing up to face the gravestone, "and I know you can't see me, or I can't see you, because Addy said so and Addy is always right, but I love you very much, and you are the best mummy in the world, Daddy says that you were very nice and kind and that I was named after you, an-and Benny says that you love me very much and that you did not want to leave me, b-but I understand mummy that you had to go and I hope that you're having fun in heaven!"

Adria took a deep breath, trying to wipe her tears before Jude could see her cry, he was such an intelligent boy, his speaking was impeccable at his age, it was hard not to admire him, and merlin, Adria did. Leaving him every year was the hardest thing she ever had to do, and as much as she would miss Hogwarts, she was so happy, so thankful, so relieved that she would never have to leave him behind again, she loved her brother far too much that having to leave him at the end of this week seemed like the hardest thing she would ever have to do.

"Addy are you gonna talk to mummy?" asked Jude, a smile wide on his lips, so pure and innocent, such a young mind not yet known of what had happened to their mother, Adria wished it would stay that way, that he would never know of the pain his mother was in, or the pain her family was in of her passing, she hoped that the boy would never blame himself for the death of his mother, he didn't need that kind of unhappiness in his life, he would never deserve that.

"Hey mum," Adria whispered softly, choking on the tears, her eyes trailed to Sirius who soon threw his arm around her, knowing that the pain he felt that the woman was gone was nothing compared to what Adria would feel, he needed to speak with the woman, he needed to talk to Judy Hopkins, but he couldn't do it with Adria there.

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