Poems - 167.

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Chapter 167

It was an odd sight to see Sirius Black in the library, not to mention that the boy was alone, completely engrossed in the text book opened in front of him, he was completely transported to another world as he thought over the many different topics of astronomy that had always seemed to fascinate him, so much so that he was completely oblivious to the girl who had sat down in front of him, her eyebrow raised, her longish hair falling behind her ear and a laugh bubbling from her lips at the sight of her new friend completely distracted.

"Sirius," she spoke, leaning her head in her hand as she stared at him, waiting for him to finally look up at her, and soon after did his eyes lift.

"Keira!" he announced, chuckling ever so slightly as he closed his book over, "Merlin I didn't even see you there!"

"Too engrossed in that book of yours, it looks like," Keira scoffed, shaking her head whilst Sirius let out a laugh, nodding as he done so, "I'm actually glad I found you, I have to ask you something."

"You do?" asked Sirius, straightening himself up as he looked over at the girl.

"Yeah, Addy told me to ask you," she shrugged, "I'm failing Astronomy, you see, and she said you were really good at it and that I should ask you to tutor me, but I mean, only if you want to- or have time, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Oh no," he waved her off, "sure- I've never actually tutored anyone before, so I don't really know how to, this book is just one I found but the one with all my notes in it is back in my dorm, Adria was supposed to meet me here, bloody late again."

"That's not like her," Keira laughed, running a hand through her hair whilst Sirius nodded.

"We could always go back and get my book, we'd probably meet Adria on the way," Sirius suggested, gesturing to the door of the library and soon did Keira nod, a smile on her lips as she grabbed her things that sat on the table.

Sirius grabbed the book he had found, it didn't take him long to realise that he very much enjoyed reading, when he read with Adria it was entirely relaxing, and quite hilarious to see her reaction to things. He wished he had come to this realisation much sooner, seeing as the library had countless books to read and he would only be here for a few more months, it was rather annoying, he had to admit.

"Adria needs to talk to you, I think," Sirius spoke as the two walked down the hall, he couldn't help but feel slightly awkward in Kiera's presence, the girl was nice and whilst they were friends, she was much closer to Adria, he had never been alone with the girl before, and he wasn't sure if he was enjoying it, there was far too many awkward silences for him to feel comfortable.

"Oh, yeah?" asked Keira, clasping her hands in front of her, her eyebrow raised whilst she watched the boy nod, "do you know what about?"

"Oh, well, no actually," Sirius chuckled ever so slightly, "I think she wants to go to Hogsmeade with everyone, though, for one last time together will all of our friends, so it's probably about that, but who really knows."

"Well that sounds fun," Keira giggled, shrugging her shoulders, "I wish I knew you all before, I'm going to be alone without you all when you leave, it'll be rather upsetting."

"Well Alina and Lia will still be here," Sirius reminded her, "and I'm sure there will be plenty of people willing to be your friend."

"You think?"

"Well yeah, you're great," Sirius shrugged, "Adria and I certainly think so, as well as everyone else, I wouldn't see why you wouldn't make friends, I mean, ever since Adria and I were in fifth year, we've made plenty of new friends."

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