Poems - 77.

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Chapter 77

A white ceiling in a dull room was the only thing Judy could see as she lay in bed, her eyes blinking whilst she lay there surrounded by darkness and her husband's arm wrapped around her, holding onto her and the baby she held inside her. To others, to anyone who could possibly walk into her room right now, she would look peaceful, content even but she was bursting on the inside.

Her imagination, her thoughts where running wild, a bright light shining through her mind, navigating through the memories of her children she could only relive in the corners of her head, but she wondered most of all which memories she would be able to create with the baby in her stomach.

Her hand wrapped around Douglas', a small sigh leaving his lips which fanned onto her cheekbone from their close proximity, he was content as he slept, dreaming about something unknown to Judy but she simply just couldn't sleep, she was unable to let her mind rest as the machines in her brain turned wildly, seeking out memories for her to relive as she lay there facing up to the ceiling in the comfortable bed in the middle of the room.

The clock beside her read four, and she hadn't been up for long, rather she woke up after a restless night of tossing in turning, and so she decided there was no point in trying to sleep when her mind was so awake, so she allowed her brain to take over, allowed for the pains in her stomach to slip to the back of her mind as she relived the memories of her children.

"Adria!" Benji giggled wildly, his head throwing back and a bright blue ball almost too heavy for his tiny, chubby hands to hold, "Adria come on!"

"Benji watch out!" Adria gasped, and suddenly Benji was on the ground, but not once did he stop laughing, and soon he turned to be pounced on by Adria who was laughing just the same, "I tricked you!" she giggled, holding up the hot pink bouncy ball which she managed to whack him with.

A faint smile fell on Judy's lips at the memory of her twins, shaking her head as she done so she allowed the sea of memories to take over her again, thinking back to the time Alfie met Alina.

"I don't want another one!" Alfie screeched, a frown on his lips when the little child clasped in his mother's arms started to cry softly at the loudness of his voice, "look at it, all it does is cry!"

"Alfie," Douglas warned, although the amusement shown through the man's face at his oldest child's reluctance to another sibling, "she really wants to meet you."

"No, she doesn't, all she is doing is crying!" the boy pouted, folding his arms over his chest as he done so, "she hates me!"

"She does not," Judy laughed softly, leaning over to take her boy's hand, slowly guiding him over to the child nestled into her arms, "Look at her, Alf, she wants her big brother."

Alfie was frowning, but he was entranced by the blue eyes his sister held. He leaned forward, reaching out his small hand for the younger to take, and soon did her little fingers wrap tightly around one of his, sending a soft gasp to bubble from his lips.

"She wants you, Alfie," Douglas laughed softly, "would you like to hold her?"

"No!" he exclaimed, keeping his voice soft and his eyes on the baby in front of him, "I-I don't want to drop her."

"Here, sit with mummy," Douglas smiled, "I'll help you."

A sigh left Judy's lips at the world she once lived, the world she was blinded by, where witches and wizards did not exist, and magic was just a tale for children, but here she was, living in her beautiful home with her beautiful husband and four beautiful children, all two of which were witches, and she loved them more than she ever could anything else.

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