Poems - 79.

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Chapter 79

"We're here to see our mother," Alfie spoke casually, his hands stuffed in the pockets of the hood he wore over his t-shirt. Their father had previously told them to get to the hospital as soon as they could, well, not exactly their father but the man had made a specific request for his children to get to the hospital.

And they were ecstatic.

All six of them - of course, including Sirius and Lia, seeing as both of them saw Judy as a mother, but admitting that was a different story - piled into the hospital frantically, only then did Alfie calm himself down enough to speak respectfully to the receptionist across the desk.

He sent her a dazzling smile, a perk he had picked up on and which ultimately seemed to work. The receptionist was clearly older than he was, but that didn't stop him from being charming, he loved the reaction he got, but it was Adria that told him that it was a little bit playerish.

"May I get your mother's name?" asked the receptionist.

"Judy Hopkins!" Adria pushed herself forward excitedly, clapping her hands together as she beamed at the woman, "we have a sibling!"

The receptionists face fell when she filed through the paperwork, the once smile at the young girl's excitement had completely wiped from her face when the file for 'Judith Hopkins' was opened in front of her.

"Is something wrong?" asked Alfie, seeing the woman's face once previously kind and welcoming now drained with colour as her eyes trailed over the six children in front of her.

"O-oh, y-yes, I'll be one moment," the receptionist nodded, pushing herself up from her seat quickly and to a place where the children couldn't see her.

"Alfie!" the six turned, seeing their father stumbling into the waiting room, wide eyed as he done so that his kids got her so fast, "Adria, Alina, Benji!" he listed off his kids names, scanning their happy faces, a beautiful sight that he never wanted to ruin. He simply couldn't, it broke his heart into a million more pieces than it already had that he would have to tell his children, his angels, the news that tore his world apart.

"D-dad, what's wrong?" asked Benji, hearing the tone of his voice, the crack in his throat and his tear stained face from his eyes filled with pain, "what is it, dad?!"

"You have a brother," Douglas choked out, clasping his hand over his mouth as tears streamed down his face.

"Merlin," Adria gasped, mimicking her dad's reaction. She turned on her heel, looking at Sirius excitedly as she thought over her new baby brother, the little being whose name she didn't quite know yet, but it didn't matter. She would protect him with every ounce of herself, she already loved him, even though she had yet to meet him, her heart swelled with love so pure, love bigger than herself that she fell back into Sirius' chest, a wide smile on her face and tears streaking her cheeks already.

Adria wondered of her mother, how did she feel about her baby boy? What did her and her father name him, all the questions floating around her head, she was sure to explode.

"Can we meet him?!" Alina squeaked, tears welled in her eyes that she would be a big sister, that she would be able to teach her baby brother things, play with him, hold him in his arms.

"Y-yes," Douglas nodded his head softly, unable to allow a smile onto his face, forced or not as the muscles seemed to painfully wrong to do so.

"How is mum doing?" asked Benji, a wide smile on his lips at the thought of being an older brother, just like Alfie was. He longed to be a role model to someone, just like Adria was to Alina, he never had that. Alfie was a role model of his, Adria was one to Alina, but he didn't have anyone looking up to him, he aspired to be great enough for someone, someone like his baby brother.

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