Poems - 27.

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Chapter 27

"Adria focus!" James' voice boomed, her eyes trailing from Sirius who was dancing in the Gryffindor stands in an attempt to distract Adria to James in front of her, holding two brooms and a snitch in his hand, "you're not gonna make the team if you don't take this seriously!"

"I am, I am!" Adria exclaimed, "sorry James." She giggled, walking forward and taking the broom she was using from his hand.

"You're flying is what we need to work on," James muttered, "other than that I'd say you're pretty good."

"Pretty good is not good enough!" she groaned, eyeing the broom warily. The amount of injuries she had obtained in the past month of flying with James was too much to count on her hands, but she couldn't deny that her lessons on Quidditch had been considerably enjoyable.

"We have plenty of time, Ads!" James said, mounting his broom and waiting for her to do the same, "we have time after summer, too, so don't worry!" he kicked off from the ground, zooming into the sky and with much more difficulty, she followed his lead.

"James! James! James!" she squeaked, wobbling on her broom until James came to her side, gripping her arm tightly so she wouldn't fall.

"I've got you, Ads." He chuckled, keeping her upright as she attempted to grip the broom, resulting in her looking as if she was hugging it.

"You have to be confident, Adria," James said, letting go of her but hovering around her just in case anything where to happen.

"I-I know," she whispered, averting her eyes from the ground that looked terribly far, the warm air of summer that had arrived was blowing through her hair and the feeling was amazing, but her heart pounded with fear, and the thought of falling - like she had already done, countless times - hid the happiness she felt.

"Adria, all you need to remember is that your fear of falling is only because you've fell before," he tried to reassure her, but she had no idea where he was going with the speech, "what I mean is, you have fell but you were fine and you didn't hurt for long."

"You're right," she whispered shakily, nodding her head furiously, "y-yeah you're right."

"It looks like we have some fans," James joked, gesturing to the Gryffindor stands. Adria turned her head, allowing a wide grin to fall onto her face when she saw all of her friends - excluding Finn and Milo who had no knowledge of her doing this - in the Gryffindor stands, holding a large banner that said 'Go Adria!'.

"No, I have fans!" she giggled.

"Well you can't let them down, can you?" asked James, she turned to him with a look of fear changing her features. She attempted not to look down as she gripped the broom, her skills had improved drastically in the month, but she had always managed to hurt herself somehow whenever she flew the broom.

"No, I can't." she whispered, closing her eyes tightly as she allowed the summer air to breeze through her. She tried to suppress the fear, taking a deep breath before gripping the broom tightly, "I can do this."

"Yes you can!" James cheered, a grin on his lips as he let go of the snitch that retracted it's wings quickly, "just remember what I taught you, Ads, just catch the snitch that's all you need to do!"

James' voice clouded her thoughts as she kicked off her broom, ignoring the shaking feeling of the broom swaying side to side her eyes where fixed on the snitch that was zooming left, right and centre. She flew up and down, her head spinning as the air had gotten much colder, sweeping through her hair that blew behind her.

She allowed a smile to fall on her lips, her thoughts clouded with words of encouragement that broke at the fear within her. The cheers from her friends settled in her mind and replayed over and over that she could do it, so much so that she believed it.

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