Poems - 4.

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Chapter 4

Three weeks had passed since Adria's encounter with Sirius and her pen, she had managed to keep it by her side without losing it during the three weeks and she was quite proud of herself.

She had managed to grow a friendship between Remus Lupin, and although he was best friends with the two boys she didn't like very much, he was very kind to her. He was also very funny and listened to her when she was talking, she didn't like how he participated in the pranks his friends played but she let it slide because it wasn't her business.

Her friendship with Lily had grown stronger in the small time they had fully known each other and she now considered her, her best friend. The two told each other everything, and both had a mutual hatred for Sirius Black and James Potter and bonded slightly over that.

Unfortunately for Adria, she was currently sitting in her transfigurations class. She happened to sit next to James Potter which made her life slightly hard considering it was his sole purpose to annoy her every time she stepped foot into the classroom. Today she was completely humiliated when James pulled her chair away from her just as she was about to sit down, resulting in her falling onto the floor.

Remus gratefully helped her up but she was very angry with James considering the embarrassment and the fact that it actually did hurt. For the rest of the class up until now he had continued to laugh at the incident, making sure to put in comments about how 'she actually fell for it'. She was furious with him, all she could think about was getting him back for it but she wasn't very good with pranks, well pranks that involved Magic, that is.

Apart from the incident with James, Adria managed to stay focused with McGonagall's lesson. She found it very easy once McGonagall explained what to do thoroughly, and managed to finish her work fairly quickly, although, she was quite bored as she had nothing else to do. James was finished too and turned around to talk to Peter who sat behind him, she wanted to do the same with Remus but she wasn't sure if McGonagall would like it.

She didn't want to get in trouble as she wasn't used to it, and she had already disrupted the lesson even though it wasn't her fault. James did get an earful when he did it, and also he was made to apologise but his response to it was 'it was totally worth it' which angered Adria that little bit more.

Adria wished that Remus was the one sitting next to her considering they were friends but she didn't want to ask him in case he said no, and she didn't want him just leaving Peter. James would obviously take his place but she didn't think McGonagall would like that very much.

"Psst." Adria heard the voice of Remus behind her, and soon after something hitting her on the back. She turned around fairly confused until she saw Remus leaning forward.

"Hello," He grinned, Adria laughed quietly as she waved to him.

"Hi, Remus." She smiled, leaning back slightly in her seat so she wasn't disrupting the silence in the class.

"How did you find the work?" asked Remus and Adria saw that he was finished just like she was and shrugged.

"Fairly easy actually, I'm finished too" She said, gesturing to her finished work whilst he nodded his head.

"I thought you were quite bored like me, so I thought I'd help you out there," He replied, Adria let out another laugh.

"Well thank you very much, Remus. You were right, I am very bored. This class seems to have dragged in!" Remus nodded in agreement, replying to a question James asked him. Adria knew James was only asking him to interrupt hers and Remus' conversation.

"Class is dismissed." McGonagall's voice rang through the classroom, "Can Miss Hopkins stay behind, please."

Adria took a deep breath as she gathered her things, the last time McGonagall wanted to see her wasn't for anything bad but that didn't help the butterflies erupting in her stomach caused by the nerves she felt.

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