Poems - 52.

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Chapter 52

Christmas day was over quicker than Adria wanted, her grandparents came to visit and she got an unexpected call in from her aunt and uncle, as well as her cousins - and now Madison hates her that bit more now that Sirius is her boyfriend - but apart from the intrusion - or visit as her parents called it, but not really seeing as no one wanted them there - the day was a blast.

Currently, Adria's parents where ushering her and her siblings into their living room, smiles wide on their lips as they ordered their children to sit on the sofas that the living room had to offer. Adria shared a look with Benji who merely shrugged as he took the empty seat beside her.

"What's all this about, mum?" Alfie asks, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes trailed to each of his parents, he was rather worried as he reached for Alina's hand, despite the smiles on his parent's face, he had been around for all of the changes in their life, and this definitely felt like a change.

"Well, we wanted to tell you the news when you were all together, and seeing as we are leaving early in the morning to take Adria to the train station, we figured now would be the best time to tell you, especially now that everything's confirmed," Judy grinned, her hands clasping in front of her as she sat on the other couch across from her children with Douglas standing behind her.

"What news?" asks Alina, sharing a look with Adria who smiled reassuringly at her, even though she had absolutely no clue what her parents were talking about, she had a feeling the news could be amazing or terrible, regardless of their happiness.

"Your father has been offered a rather great promotion!" Judy exclaimed, earning cheers from her kids who congratulated their dad.

"That's amazing, dad!" Alfie beamed, "but I have a feeling that's not all."

"Well, no," Douglas mumbled, rounding the couch and sitting close to his wife who reached over to take his hand, "the promotion is in London."

"London?!" Benji exclaimed, wide eyed as he shared a look with all of his siblings, he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea of moving to London, in fact, it was exciting but his life here was one he loved, and leaving behind everyone he knew wasn't something he wanted to do.

"But, guys, we-we can't move!" Alfie exclaimed angrily, "I can take moving to another village, or maybe a little town half an hour away, but London? That's hours away! What about us? What about our lives, and our wellbeing, all my friends are here, all of Benji's friends are here, everyone we love and care about is here in Scotland!"

"It might not be that bad, Alfie," Adria said softly, reaching over to take his hand that he previously pulled from Alina's grip, but at her touch he flinched away.

"Yeah that's easy for you to say isn't it, Adria? You don't live here most of the time and when you are here all you do is sit in your room for the most part, you don't have friends here, you don't have anything here, everything suits you so don't tell me it's not going to be bad!" Alfie exclaimed, anger thrown her way whilst Benji took his twins hand to comfort her.

"Oh, yeah I forgot, where is it that I am again, that freak show of a school?!" Adria spat, shaking her head in disbelief, "I'm very sorry that I'm not here Alfie, but why don't you just be grateful for once in your life and remember that the world doesn't revolve around you, this is big news for dad and he deserves happiness and a little reassurance from his family considering he does absolutely everything and has sacrificed absolutely everything for us!"

"I said that last year Adria, get over it!" Alfie shouted, shaking his head with a glare.

"But you still said it, is Alina a freak too, she goes now as well are we both freaks? Y'know that's not even what matters, it's that our parents do everything to make us happy, they accept us and love us no matter what happens, we are family and we stick together, so why don't we act like it!" Adria shrieked, shaking her head in disappointment, "Congratulations dad, we will go wherever you need us to."

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