Poems - 59.

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Chapter 59

Adria felt annoyance surge through her as she sat beside Milo in Transfigurations one afternoon in the month of march. She was trying her best to focus on her work, but that deemed hard when her - rather irritating - boyfriend sat just behind her.

"Adria," he whispered, receiving nothing as she attempted to focus.

"Adria." He huffed, just a little louder as he leaned forward closer to her, but still he received nothing.

"Adria!" he exclaimed, she turned abruptly in her seat, her eyes narrowed to slits as Professor McGonagall rose from her desk, and the students dotted around the class turned to stare.

"Mr. Black, is there something you would like to share with the class?" McGonagall asked, her eyebrow raised as she stared at him, daring him to say something wrong.

"It was my fault Professor," Adria smiled kindly, staring up at the Professor who turned to her. Sirius went to protest but she sent him a glare as slyly as she could so that McGonagall wouldn't suspect anything.

"So, that was your voice I heard shouting your name?" McGonagall asked, snickering erupting around the class as Adria thought for a moment.

"No, Professor, you see, Sirius was only trying to help me because I couldn't quite understand the lesson, but I couldn't hear him when he was talking to me," her smile widened when Professor McGonagall's head nodded.

"I suppose I will let a punishment slide this time," she spoke, "but I do not tolerate lying, Miss Hopkins, even if it is for your boyfriend." Adria felt her cheeks heating up as she watched Professor McGonagall return to her desk, and her glare fell on James who couldn't help his laughter pouring through his hands clutched over his mouth.

"I will end your life, James Potter," she growled, her eyes trailing to Sirius who was smiling sheepishly at her.

"Why the hell where you shouting at me?" she whispered, leaning forward so she could hear him, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I missed you, s'all." He smirked, her eyes narrowed as she shook her hair, flipping him off as she turned in her seat.

"Aww, babe don't be like that," he groaned, eyeing McGonagall quickly to make sure she didn't hear him. When Adria didn't answer him, his shoulders slumped as he shared a look with James who merely shook his head with a scoff.

He turned back in his seat, seeing Remus in front of Adria with a look of amusement stretched over his face whilst Peter hid his laughter. Adria tried to focus on the task at hand, and whilst she knew what she was doing she just felt rather bored with it all, as though she was back to the beginning when she didn't have her friends, but that definitely wasn't the case.

Her shoulders slumped as she turned to face Sirius, quietly pushing her chair forward even though Professor McGonagall could very clearly see what she was doing, but rather decided not to speak.

"I can't focus if you think I'm mad at you, and I'm not, Sirius, but we are in class and I can't always talk to you, we both actually need to do work," she sighed, reaching for his hand and giving it a squeeze.

"But it's complicated," he grumbled, looking down at the strange looking bird that was resting on his desk.

"Don't pretend that you aren't smart, Sirius, because we both know that you are," Adria scoffed, "I know that you can do it, and so do you, if you do the work then that's you and then you can talk to me, and James and whoever you want but you actually have to do work first."

She rolled her eyes as she sent him a smile, shaking her head slightly and turning back in her seat. Their task today was to turn a Guinea fowl into a Guinea Pig, and whilst she knew the spell - and the counter spell - she felt as though she had no motivation, which was rather terrible as she had no choice to do the school work or not.

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