Poems - 68.

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Chapter 68

To say that Adria was a little stressed was an understatement, but this stress wasn't caused by things that would - most likely - be alright in the end, but rather because she had left most of her packing to the day she would be returning home, which was today.

She was trying her best to push down her secret stash of fudge flies to the bottom of her trunk as best as she could, so that it wouldn't take up too much room but the task was deemed difficult when the fudge was basically oozing out of the bag.

"Adria, calm down," Marlene giggled from where she lay on her bed, her trunk packed perfectly in front of her and her hands resting behind her head. Adria grumbled some - not so nice - words under her breath at the girls obvious mocking, and as she walked to the bathroom, she flipped her the finger.

"That wasn't very nice, Ads," Lily called, although she and the other girls couldn't help but laugh at just how unorganised Adria was. She couldn't blame anyone else apart from herself, seeing as she had more than plenty of time to pack but instead spent all of her time doing the exact opposite, and her excuse being that she won't see her friends over the holidays so why would she waste time packing when she could spend it with them.

"I'm sorry, okay, we are leaving in twenty minutes!" she squeaked, running a hand through her hair as she picked up pairs of socks from the floor, some plain colours like black and white and some having yellow patterns and bright blue spirals, those where her favourite, if she where honest.

"You'll get It done," Dorcas laughed, "you always do!"

"Yeah, exactly, Ads it's the same every year!"

"Well for the past two years," Lily chuckled.

"Actually, nope, I can remember back in second year when she was still the exact same, she just didn't have anyone to complain too," Marlene giggled, shaking her head slightly as she pushed herself up and over Adria's bed that had clothes sprawled all over it, and multiple pairs of shoes scattered everywhere. She started picking up items of clothing, folding them neatly in a pile near Adria's trunk, and Adria wasn't lying when she said she could've cried that she was receiving help.

Folding was not a skill she had, nor did she think she would ever be able to do it. She usually just stuffed everything into her trunk and hoped it didn't burst open. Her mother had tried to help her before, but it just didn't work out, and both her and Judy ended up rather frustrated about the whole ordeal.

"So, Adria, what are you and Sirius going to do over the summer together?" asked Mary, following Marlene's lead and shuffling over to Adria where she helped Marlene out with the folding.

"Oh, please, do you really think it's appropriate to know what she'll be doing with Sirius?" Dorcas giggled, earning a pillow to the head from Adria forcefully as she moved to her bed stand to collect her notebook and camera, as well as her wand which she stuffed in her book and her collection of pens.

"Hey, stop winding her up," Lily exclaimed, moving from her bed to Adria's where she sat down, "I don't need her getting any ideas!"

"Lily!" Adria groaned, throwing her head back as her hand ran over her face, "you are all terrible people, really!"

"Oh, we really are only teasing, Adria," Marlene giggled, "if I'm being honest, I think you and Sirius are rather adorable together," Adria couldn't help the small smile that widened on her lips and the blush that spread over her cheeks as she nodded softly.

"Well thank you," Adria beamed, "I have a secret, but I promised Sirius I wouldn't tell it."

"Oh my god," Mary gasped, "you are p-"

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