Poems - 58.

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Chapter 58

The Christmas break was over quickly for Adria, and soon enough classes had started back and life at Hogwarts was normal again. It was exciting for Adria to see Alina again, seeing as it was a habit to see her every day in Hogwarts from September.

It was currently February, and the days had gone by quickly, as did classes. Adria was in the Gryffindor common room with Alina at the other side of her and both of their legs hidden under a blanket whilst Alina went on and on about this girl who she was extremely angry at.

"And she just pushed me!" she exclaimed, a frown on her lips and her arms flailing around her, "and she said she didn't mean it but she was laughing, and I don't care if her laugh made me want to smile, I don't care, it was mean!"

"She said she didn't mean it, Allie, maybe she wasn't laughing at you?" Adria chuckled, shaking her head as her eyes trailed to the letter in her lap that she had yet to open.

"Well, maybe, but I don't think so. I see her all the time now, it's like I can't get rid of her!" she huffed, her arms crossed over her chest whilst Adria couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe she likes you?" Adria suggested, a smirk on her lips when she saw the blush clouding Alina's cheeks, "or is it you that likes her?"

"What?!" Alina shrieked, "no of course not!"

"Okay then," Adria giggled, "whatever you say."

"Oh, shut up, Adria," Alina grumbled, her eyes narrowed, "I don't like anyone, apart from Elliot but not in that way, he's my best friend and I already know who he likes and it's not me!"

"Okay, okay!" Adria grinned, raising her hands in defence, "y'know I'd believe you if you didn't get so defensive." She smirked, winking at her sister who threw her head back in frustration.

"I don't like her!" Alina shrieked, running a hand through her hair as Adria clasped her hand over her mouth.

"I know, you told me that!" Adria exclaimed, biting her lip as she lifted up the letter from her lap, "now I'm going to read this letter from our dear father, seeing as this is a rather rare occasion."

Dear Addy,

Your mother's stomach has grown in size, but only slightly, and also, don't tell her I said that. She is glowing with beauty and happiness, but in all honestly, she always has. I hope this reaches you well, and might I say that owl is growing on me, I think it's finally starting to like me, it only bit me once!

Anyway, our house is rather bare, and even though it's only February, we are all feel as though we'll be out in only a few days. We've packed absolutely everything for your room, and Alina's and if there is anything you want to throw out I suppose you can do that in London.

We miss you terribly, Addy, as well as Alina, we love and miss you so much. It's the same every year, and even though Benji puts on a happy face for you, he really misses you most of all. Every year when you go back it's as though he changes, as though he misses you so much, maybe it's a twin thing or something, but I've advised him to write to you, so hopefully you'll get a letter from him soon.

Alfie misses you terribly also, of course as well as Alina, and I know he would never say that himself, but I am only the messenger.

I miss you too, princess, both you and Alina are my little girls and every year when you go back, and this year particularly as I have lost my two babies, it's like a stab in the heart. Don't think I am telling you this to make you feel guilty because your mother and I are so proud of you both, you intelligent girls that you are.

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