Poems - 66.

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Chapter 66

To say that Adria was a little stressed out was an understatement, in fact, she was so stressed out that her face was buried into her pillow and her quilt was draped all over her body, including her head. she had given up on all of her daily responsibilities, and decided that for now, she would live under her covers until she could pull herself together.

She had begun by thinking simply of summer which was closer than she initially realised, and the thought terrified her, as odd as it sounded. For starters, she still wasn't completely sure that Sirius would be staying with her over the summer break, and she wished that he was so she didn't need to worry about him going back to his parent's house, and also because she just didn't want to be alone with the duo that was Alina and Lia, who were terrifyingly similar, and now officially best friends.

Then there was the added fact that she would finally be seeing her new home, and the thought brought sadness bubbling in the pit of her stomach. She loved Scotland, and her little village that she would deeply miss, and she was terrified that she wouldn't be overly fond of the busy noise of the city, or how her room looked, and she was only hoping that Sirius would be there to help her tour the big city of London that she had barely ever seen apart from out the car window on her journey to and from Kings Cross station.

Then of course, there was the - rather massive - fact that her mother was pregnant with her baby sister or brother, to which she did not know, and now that she was much older than she was when Alina was born, she would be able to look after them after July when they were born. The thought terrified her, that she would be there to look after a little tiny baby, to help her parents with this tiny human that she would call her sibling.

Up until then, she would have to take care of her mum as the size of a balloon, and in the rare letters that her father sent her did he talk about just how mental of a woman she was, but of course, his love in the letters shone through brightly. Judy was the love of his life, and he made sure the love he felt for the woman was known to everyone, he would do absolutely anything for her, and during her pregnancy, he was doing everything for her, according to his letters.

"We have O.W.Ls next year," Adria whispered, sitting up on her bed and looking over to Lily who sat on hers, "we have to take examinations, Lils, I am not ready for that at all, I'm going to fail them all!" the girl exclaimed, clawing at her hair stressfully.

"Oh shush, Ads," Lily sighed, shaking her head furiously, "you will absolutely not fail them all, you are incredibly smart, and all you have to do is study and you'll be fine!" Lily laughed, a small smile on her lips as she looked over at Adria who was frowning.

"I'm just so stressed about everything," Adria whispered, her voice cracking involuntarily which resulted in Lily quickly pushing herself up from her bed and over to Adria where she took her hand to comfort her, "I don't even know why!" she laughed humourlessly, mostly at herself for being so emotional.

"You have a lot going on, Ads!" Lily exclaimed, "and you bottle up everything because you think you can just hide it, but that's not how it works. Your mum is pregnant and you can't be there for her, you are moving to a completely new house at the end of this year which is very close, and not to mention that you still don't know if Sirius is staying to you which is ultimately adding to the pressure of your stress, you shouldn't kick yourself for stressing out about things, whether big or small, they are still stressful!" Lily sighed, wrapping her arm tightly around Adria reassuringly.

"Thanks Lily," Adria whispered, allowing her head to fall on the red heads shoulder, a sigh leaving her lips as they sat on her bed.

"If you think so, why don't I come and visit you this summer?" asked Lily, "around August, so I can meet your new sibling?"

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