Poems - 10.

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Chapter 10

Adria Hopkins, to Lily was full of surprises to say the least. The once shy girl, who sat alone everyday with her book and an emotionless expression on her face whilst she focused on her task to write a new poem was a completely different girl to the one Lily knew now. It surprised Lily a lot when Adria became extremely talkative, actually it sometimes deemed hard to get a word in when they spoke, but Lily enjoyed that part of their friendship as it was rather amusing.

But one thing that surprised Lily the most as of that moment on the thirty first of October, Halloween, was her best friend's excitement. Lily had no knowledge that Adria loved Halloween, in fact, she thought it was just another day for the girl considering she didn't even mention the day during the full month of October. Lily thought herself to be a fanatic of Halloween, celebrating it excitedly in the great hall with her peers was one of her favourite events at Hogwarts but now seeing Adria with the biggest grin on her face as she bounced down the hallways of the castle, almost screaming 'happy Halloween!' in peoples faces...she was very surprised to say the least.

"Don't you just love it!" Adria beamed, spinning excitedly whilst she waited for her friends to catch up. Dorcas and Mary were giggling at their new friend, watching her admire the decorations floating above them, and Marlene was pulling the girl along forcefully to the great hall announcing once again that she was hungry and Lily had her eyebrow raised, an amused smile playing at her lips whilst she shook her head at the girls behaviour.

"I didn't know you loved Halloween so much, Adria." Lily laughed, jogging only slightly to catch up with her, "you never mentioned it!"

"It wasn't important until now!" Adria giggled, allowing Marlene to pull her along for breakfast. The great hall's grand doors were opened for the students, allowing them to get their food before the day ahead started. Marlene had finally let go of Adria once the five of them were seated in the middle of the Gryffindor table, finally able to pile her plate high with food.

"I can't wait for the feast tonight!" Dorcas announced, grabbing a piece of toast from the middle of the table. Mary, who sat next to her was as silent as Marlene, grabbing as much food as she possibly could.

"Neither can I!" Adria grinned, nodding her head furiously. She followed Lily's lead and reached for the eggs in the middle of the table, but not too much considering she was saving her appetite for the halloween feast that night, as she had told her friends countless times.

"Adria!" at the sound of her name, the girl turned her head to see Remus a little away down the Gryffindor table. He looked much better than the day previous, the bags under his eyes were much less visible and he looked as though he had actually gotten a decent amount of sleep.

"Remus!" the girl grinned, pushing herself up from her seat and towards where he sat with his friends who Adria purposely ignored. She took a seat between Remus and Sirius, turning her full body towards Remus so that the boy, who she hated, would know just that.

"How are you feeling? you look much better." Adria nodded, patting the boys shoulder. The scars visible to her still looked strangely fresh, and whilst she didn't want to pry at a subject that was obviously uncomfortable for him, she wanted to know what was going on.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better." Remus nodded, forming a small smile on his lips to reassure the girl who he knew as one of his best friends that he was okay. He knew that at some point sooner or later he would have to tell her about his lycanthropy, although he couldn't deny that he dreaded it. To Remus, Adria was the one he went to when he had something on his mind that he felt slightly uncomfortable telling the boys, she never judged him with anything they spoke about and she knew well enough how to keep a secret. He had nothing stopping him from telling her about the curse he had but the dread...the doubt he felt about losing her was something he never wanted to go through.

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