Poems - 147.

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Chapter 147

"I don't think we should wake her," Remus whispered as the four stood over Sirius' bed, looking down at Adria sleeping peacefully, her hair sprawled over the pillow and her hands clutching the quilt.

"I know," Sirius frowned, stroking her cheek softly, a sigh tumbling from his lips, "she needs rest, she has been up all night comforting Tallulah and Gully."

"Yes, but we need her help," James sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "look, we'll cover for her in classes tomorrow-" he cut himself off, he really didn't want to wake his best friend either, she looked far too content, and the boys where right, she had a rough time over the past week comforting Tallulah and Gully, who had lost everything but each other.

"Adria wake up we need your help!" Peter screeched, earning three sets of glares from the boys around him, and with a sheepish smile, Peter backed away.

A groan tumbled from Adria's lips as she stirred, trying to keep her mind off of the headache she had from lack of sleep, "baby girl, wake up," Sirius whispered softly, running a hand through her hair as her eyes fluttered open, and soon did her eyebrows furrow at the four boys surrounding her.

"Oh merlin, what?" she asked, turning over suddenly to read the clock, grumbling curse words under her breath that the boys decided to wake her up at four in the morning.

"We need your help," Remus spoke, a sigh tumbling from his lips, "and the reason we need it urgently, as in right now, is because it's-"

"Mental, but it's us, and you love us, so you have to help!" James piped in.

"Yes, and we promise to cover you in classes tomorrow, well, today, so that you can sleep!" Peter grinned, nodding his head whilst another sight tumbled from Adria's lips.

She turned to Sirius, pouting ever so slightly when the laugh pushed through his lips, "we could use your help, Adria, you're much more skilled than all of us."

"Skilled?" she repeated, finally sitting up in his bed to show the hoodie that she had stolen from him, "oh merlin."

"Please help us?" Remus asked, "we could do it ourselves if we tried but you already know the charms that we need, and technically, you are just as much part of this as we are."

"If this has to do with your stupid self-proclaimed name thingy then count me out," Adria huffed, falling onto Sirius who sat on his bed, a laugh escaping his lips as he reached for his girlfriend's hand.

"Look, why don't we both skip classes tomorrow, or why don't we all skip classes and just chill all day?" Sirius suggested, "we are almost finished with this, we just have a few more things left to do."

"Why didn't I know about this thing?" asked Adria, pushing herself up once again to look at Sirius, watching the sheepish smile form on his lips.

"We knew you wouldn't approve," he trailed off, "but now, you have to approve, because we really need your help!"

"Okay, fine, I'll help," she grumbled, pushing herself up and pulling on her slippers, "but that doesn't mean that I approve with whatever you all have planned."

"It'll make our lives easier, Addy," Sirius chuckled, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her into him, "I promise."

"Will it make my life easier?" she asked, her eyebrow raised.

"There is a possibility," Sirius shrugged, "depends on how you look at it."

"Oh merlin, alright, lead me to this."

A smile widened on the boy's lips as Sirius guided her out of the dormitory, the moon illuminated the night's sky when Adria looked out of the window, and soon, when they reached the dull corridors where they engulfed in almost darkness. She assumed that the boys where leading her to the library, seeing as they requested her help, but when they continued down the hallway did Adria know that the library was not where they were going.

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