Poems - 17.

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Chapter 17

Adria woke the next morning just after five am, the sun had yet to rise yet and wouldn't for a couple of hours and Sirius slept soundly on the sofa bed in the corner. She was still rather tired but she had things to do, and now would be the best time to do it.

No witnesses.

She climbed out of bed, her bare legs hitting the cold of her room as she pulled on her slipper boots that sat beside her bed. She creeped over to the cabinet that her TV sat on and pulled out a tube of foot cream that had yet to be opened and hair dye she had bought on her last trip home at summer. Whilst she was fortunate enough to get one of the bigger rooms in her house, Benji and her parents both had en suites connected onto their rooms.

She crept down the hall, careful not to creak any of the floorboards as she opened Benji's door, his loud snoring was enough for her to creep into the bathroom un noticed. She was starting off their annual prank war with the easiest, but effective pranks in the book, she wondered how she always got away with it.

She grabbed the tube of toothpaste from the holder on the sink, and squeezed some of it down the drain as quietly as possible before squeezing some of the foot cream into the toothpaste tube to replace it, simple.

She was rather jealous that Benji had his own bathroom, and shower but it just made for quicker and better ways to prank him. She unboxed the dye, shaking it in her hands before reaching for his shampoo and dumping the dye in with his shampoo, and then proceeded to shake it once more.

She quickly set the shampoo bottle back where she found it, making sure that it was in the exact same spot before creeping out of the bathroom, and Benji's room. She rushed quickly, but quietly back to her own room, jumping on her bed before diving under the covers.

Adria turned on her side, closing her eyes and covering herself fully with her blankets and covers, and mass amount of pillows everywhere on her bed. She finally managed to get back to sleep after an eventful morning.

"Adria Hopkins!" shrieked Benji as he entered her bedroom six hours later when the clock was turning eleven, she tried to keep her giggles in when her eyes fluttered open, but once she caught sight of his hair which had turned a hot pink, she couldn't help it. Her hand flew to her mouth where she tried to stop herself, but seeing the pink clash with the redness of his face, she just couldn't help herself.

She was surprised that Sirius hadn't woken up from Benji's extremely loud voice, and seeing as she knew he wouldn't want to miss this, she grabbed one of the pillows and aimed it at his head, causing him to jump awake.

"Sorry," Adria giggled, "but look." Sirius, trying to be nice, snickered slightly, before covering his mouth with his hand much like Adria done.

"I think it suits you," Adria said, looking up at Benji with an innocent grin.

"Wait," Sirius said, his voice hoarse from just waking up, "you did this?" he asked Adria, who nodded.

"Yup," she giggled, "may the prank war begin!"

"You will pay Adria Hopkins, I will end you this year!" he growled, "I'm going to brush my teeth, but I'm not done here!"

Adria fell into a convulsion of giggles when he mentioned brushing his teeth, but Benji had already left the room before he could hear her, "Oh merlin, what did you do to his toothbrush?"

"I put...foot cream...in his tooth paste!" she said through a fit of laugher, resulting in Sirius laughing out loud, he felt rather bad for laughing but the hot pink was rather hilarious, "I can't believe shy little Adria is a prank mastermind."

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