Poems - 98.

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Chapter 98

"May I ask why you still aren't talking to your dear boyfriend who loves you so very much?" asked Remus as they sat near the black lake, Remus' back rested against the tree behind him as he watched Adria aggressively skipping stones into the lake, something her father had taught her when she was younger.

"Because he's an arse," Adria said simply, turning to face Remus who let out laugh.

"He's always been an arse," Remus replied, watching Adria bite her lip to stop herself from laughing, she was supposed to be angry at Sirius, and she was, really, she just missed him far too much, even though she was too stubborn to admit it.

It had been three weeks, and now February since her little outburst, and she was taking it to the next level with how much she was giving him the silent treatment, she still tutored Eugene in Herbology, and occasionally potions and charms, but she couldn't help but feel rather awkward around the boy, seeing as he thought it was the most interesting thing that Adria and Sirius where fighting, and she had her suspicions as to why.

"He's an even arsier arse," Adria said finally, dropping the multiple stones onto the ground and climbing up to take the seat beside Remus, "it's as though he doesn't trust me, moony, even though he says he does, it just doesn't feel like it."

"Why not, Ads?" Remus frowned, taking over the sadness that fell onto Adria's face, it was so clear that she was hurt, and he wanted to find out why, for himself, as her best friend, and also partly because Sirius begged him too.

But what Sirius failed to mention was why Adria was so mad at him in the first place, and Remus thought he had the right to know why if Sirius wanted his help so badly.

"He says, that boys have a knack for kissing me, so to excuse his worry," Adria grumbled, angrily ripping the grass beneath her into much smaller pieces.

"Oh merlin, that boy," Remus shook his head, rolling his eyes as he done so, "and what did you say?"

"I said, and I quote 'you are a complete arse, Sirius Black!' and I bloody meant it, but now I miss him, because he might be an arse but he's my arse-" she cut herself off, frowning slightly as she thought of what she said.

"That really didn't sound right," Remus commented whilst Adria nodded her head.

"No, it really didn't," Adria chuckled, shaking her head, "does he miss me?" she asked quietly, her eyes anywhere but Remus.

"Bloody hell, Ads, of course he does!" Remus exclaims, "but he does need to realise that you are your own person and just because he doesn't like someone does it mean that he can just interfere, and I he shouldn't have said that to you, used against you that boys have a knack for kissing you because that was definitely not your fault, and you didn't kiss James back, and especially since you had sorted it with James, it's just unfair, and whilst I'm here to support you, Sirius also asked me to see if you were still mad, and bloody hell you should be!"

"It's been three weeks, Remus, this is probably the longest I haven't spoken to him, and is it really worth it, is it really worth being this stubborn? I miss him so much, and maybe he's right about Eugene because he is a bit of a weirdo, bloody loves the fact that me and Sirius are fighting, but even in a fight with Sirius, I still miss him, I still want him, so much," Adria groaned, her head falling onto Remus shoulder as she huffed, "this isn't fair, why do I have to love him?!"

"Well, you can't really help it," Remus chuckled, "it's not something you can just turn off, Ads, but he does miss you too, and as much as he wants to talk to you, and as much as we have told him to, he keeps saying that he's giving you space."

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