Poems - 38.

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Chapter 38

"So how does it feel to officially be the Gryffindor seeker!" James beamed as he, Adria, Peter, and Sirius made their way into the library.

"I'm still confused as to how!" She laughed, a wide grin on her lips as she set her things on one of the tables, "I mean, the seeker was great."

"And you beat her," James said, "you deserve to be on the team, Ads, it just means practice is all the time!"

"The first game is in just over three weeks, James, I think we'll be fine." Adria scoffed, pulling out the small slip of paper with McGonagall's signature written on it and heading off to find the librarian to gain access to the restricted section.

"Do you think Remus suspects anything?" asked Peter, bringing out some parchment paper, "with operation A, I mean."

"Nope," Sirius shook his head, his stare off of Adria that was laughing with the librarian, to the boys in front of him, "he's bloody oblivious."

"He's madder that he doesn't know what it is," James scoffed, "so, Pete, Thea Jenkins, have you spoken to her at all?"

"She spoke to me yesterday," Peter blushed, shrugging his shoulders awkwardly, "I think it might be a prank though..."

"Why?" asked Adria, dumping multiple books onto the desk, a frown on her lips as she took the seat next to James.

"Because her friends where laughing whilst she was talking to me," he mumbled, his chin finding the palm of his hand whilst he let out a defeated sigh.

"That could mean she likes you," Adria shrugged, pulling out a bag of fudge flies and sitting them on the desk beside her, before popping one into her mouth.

"Her friends where laughing at him, Ads," Sirius spoke, his eyebrow arched as he looked at her.

"Yeah, I know," she mumbled through a mouthful of fudge flies, "what I mean is, when a girl's friends knows that they like someone, they'll tease them and stuff, and laugh if the girl goes and talks to the guy she likes."

"Wait, really?" asked James, earning a nod from Adria as she offered him a fudge fly, Sirius leaned over and took one out of the bag, whilst James took a couple and Peter waved his hand to indicate he didn't want one.

"All I'm saying, Pete, is that if it's a prank then you know where to find us," Adria shrugged, "and I'm sure if a prank is what these two want, then I'll prank her the right way."

"Your pranks are just as cruel, Ads," Sirius scoffed, "you died my hair!"

"And shaved your own brother's eyebrows off," James piped in, earning a glare from the girl.

"But they're funny, and you laugh at what your hair was like, and now Benji laughs at what he looked like with no eyebrows," Adria laughed, "but don't worry Pete, if she is teasing you then her prank won't be funny at all."

"I don't want you guys to prank her," Peter shrugged, "even if she is just pranking me, I'm sure she's just joking around."

"But you shouldn't be the victim of something like that, especially when you so clearly like her!" Adria exclaimed, throwing the librarian an innocent grin as she passed by the table, "do you want me to talk to her?"

"What?!" Peter asked, his eyes wide as he shook his head furiously.

"Oh, come on, Pete, I only want to see what she is like," Adria laughed, "wait what house is she in?"

"Ravenclaw," Peter muttered, his fingers tapping on the wood of the table, "she's all smart, it's a mystery why she even talked to me."

"Well I'm sure Milo knows her if they're in the same year," Adria said, "so I'll be sure to ask him the next time I see him."

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