Poems - 132.

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Chapter 132

"N.E.W.T. classes are killing me, I swear, I'm dying," Adria groaned as she wrote the written homework exam that McGonagall had set for the class whilst Mary let out a laugh, finally out of the hospital after a week of recovery, a month ago, "but I suppose it's not too bad having exams this year, but I know it'll be bad, I can sense it."

"Are you kidding?" Mary groaned, shaking her head, "it'll be horror, I wish I took care of magical creatures, at least I'd get to have some fun in class, divination is horrible, I don't even know why I still do it."

"Because you're a headcase," Marlene piped in, smirking at the look she received, "I miss this."

"What?" asked Lily, her head titled ever so slightly as she looked up from her potions homework.

"Just us five!" she exclaimed, "we never just have all five of us unless we are in the dorm, but that's not a thing anymore with you two sneaking off to snog your boyfriends!"

"Oh funny," Adria chuckled, "maybe we should get you someone to snog so he can shut you up!"

"Well it looks like Mary has found someone to snog, actually," Dorcas smirked, a teasing tune to her tone as she turned to a heavily blushing Mary who merely shrugged.

"Don't have a clue what you're on about," she shrugged, leaning her chin on her hand as she tapped her pen - curtsey of Adria, seeing as she had lost hers, - onto the parchment in front of her.

"Oh please," Lily scoffed, "you fancy Miles, don't even deny it!"

"We're friends, he saved my life," Mary smiled softly, "that's all we are, and don't start, Lily Evans, your bloody boyfriend is the boy you've hated since first year!"

"We weren't talking about me," Lily sang, waving her off, "we were talking about how much you want to snog Miles."

"Please stop saying snog," Mary groaned, throwing her head back, "it's a horrible word."

"I actually agree with that," Adria giggled, "snog, it sounds like disease!"

"Sorry sir, but it looks like you have a bad case of snog," Dorcas giggled, earning quiet giggles from the girls around her as they tried to keep their voices down in the library.

"I'd like a case of snogging," Marlene joked, giggling slightly.

"I can fix that for you, McKinnon!" a voice called, to which the girls turned to see a seventh year familiar to them with a cheeky grin plastered on his lips as he sat with his friends.

"Hmm, no thanks," Marlene grumbled, rolling her eyes as she ignored the smirks on her friends faces, "I'd like a case of snogging, from someone else."

"Who even is that?" asked Adria, her eyebrow raised as she looked at the familiar boy, unable to place him, and soon turning to Marlene.

"No one," Marlene rolled her eyes, "flirts with everyone, I forgot his name, though."

"Looks like he likes you," Dorcas smirked, taking note of the boy still with his eyes on her.

"Doubt it," Marlene scoffed, "now back to Mary and Miles."

"There is no Miles and I," Mary rolled her eyes, "there are plenty of girls that like him, and I am not one of them."

"You lie!" Adria giggled, clapping her hands together excitedly.

"Can we change hopeless romantic to hopeless Adria, because honestly, matchmaker Adria needs to take a break!" Lily giggled, patting Adria's shoulder who glared at her.

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