Poems - 84.

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Chapter 84

"D-Do you have everything?" Douglas whispered, his eyes wide as he searched every bag that his children - of course, including Sirius and Lia - had, well, except from their trunks which had already left them.

The man was truly frazzled, Adria had Jude clutched tightly in her arms as she allowed her dad to do this check-up. She felt terrible that she was leaving to go back to Hogwart's, especially since Jude was clinging onto her for dear life, it was hard to let him go.

"Yes, dad," Alina whispered, reaching up to press a kiss to the man's cheek, sending him a reassuring smile as she done so, "remember to write this year."

"I will, I promise, every single week," Douglas nodded, forcing a smile onto his lips at the sight of the four in front of him. Alfie patted his back as he took a step forward, hugging the four tightly himself, before he allowed Benji to do the same.

"I'll take him," Benji smiled softly, reaching out for Jude but Adria took a step back.

"One second," she whispered, a frown upon her lips sent in the direction of her twin. She took a deep breath, leaning against the wall behind her as she held Jude in front of her, making sure he was facing her with his beautiful eyes wide, "I'll see you soon, my little prince, I promise, I'll be home before you know it," she choked on a sob when he reached out his hands, pressing them against her cheeks whilst he stared intently at her.

She couldn't handle it anymore, she took a deep breath, gently handed Jude to Benji before pushing herself onto the train away from her family. She hated this goodbye, without her mother there the mood was so painfully sad that it was hard to take, she blinked away the tears in her eyes, pushing past people that looked at her for longer than what she wished for.

She couldn't cope with being with anyone, she couldn't be in anyone's presence for the time being, so, as she slipped into the empty compartment, rummaging furiously around in her bag as she took a seat, she grabbed her notebook.

But at the same time, she was also breaking the tradition of spending each train ride with Finn and Milo.

She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or upset that her friends hadn't come looking for her, as self-centred as it sounded now that she really thought of it. They knew she needed her space, and really, she should've been grateful for them understanding that she needed time.

She hadn't even congratulated Remus or Lily on becoming Gryffindor prefects, as much as it sounded like a terrible position, to her, she knew that her two friends would be perfect, seeing as they were the most responsible.

The train had been moving for a while when Adria realised that her hand was aching, but she realised that she wasn't writing her poems but rather just...writing. She felt a tear drop onto the page, and for the first time, she glanced over her words, taking in what she realised was her feelings, written out in front of her, what she was feeling, everything in her mind had fallen onto the page in front of her, and she hadn't even realised she had done it.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Adria's head snapped up to the door, taking in the sight of a young girl who must've been a year or so younger than she was, a wide grin taking over her feature, with her hand raised in a wave, and with a forced smile plastered on Adria's lips, she finally nodded her head.

"Sure," Adria whispered, gesturing to the seat across from her.

"Thank you," the girl mumbled, "you're the only person whose looked inviting enough to sit with," she sighed.

"Thank you, I guess," Adria murmured, her eyes trailing back down to her book, tapping her pen onto the paper, she hadn't the faintest clue what to write now that she was aware of what she was doing.

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