Poems - 8.

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Chapter 8

Adria sat bored in the potions class one afternoon near Halloween, Remus had finally taken the seat next to her where they sat with James and Sirius at the group. She felt bad that Peter wasn't with them but Professor Slughorn made it pretty clear that there was only to be four at the two desks which joined together.

Adria had sat there alone previously until Remus ended up joining her when she entered the class with him, which resulted in James and Sirius taking the seats of two Slytherin students that usually occupied the desk, they weren't very happy. They ended up taking the seats where the two boys used to sit, and leaving Peter with another Gryffindor who Adria didn't recognise.

Lily and Severus worked at the desk behind Adria, which made Adria slightly distracted from her work seeing as she had attempted to talk to the girl on multiple occasions, it deemed useless when Lily ignored her from concentration as she added something to her cauldron. Professor Slughorn had went through the instructions to make some potion that Adria had never heard of, all she knew was that it had to turn a murky green colour and that by no means necessary should she touch it.

"Do you know what we are supposed to do, because I don't?" Adria whispered, leaning closer to Remus who laughed slightly.

"I have a good idea, yes." The boy nodded, glancing at Adria who looked completely confused by the amounts of ingredients in front of her.

"Come on Adria, just add Dragonfly Thoraxes and I'll do the rest!" Remus said, leaving the table to collect a few things that he had forgotten.

Adria's eyes widened as she scanned the amounts of ingredients on the desk, none of them had names on it that she could see, seeing as Professor Slughorn wanted to test their abilities or something along those lines, but now Adria was completely stuck.

Her shoulders slumped as she picked up ingredients from in front of her, she knew it was no use considering she had no clue what she really needed. It wasn't until something hit her square on the nose did she look up with an accusing scowl on her face.

Sirius Black was standing near her, glancing over to where Remus was with his back turned before picking up a few of the Dragonfly Thoraxes and placing them in the girls hand. Her scowl automatically softened, and her lips parted in slight confusion as to why Sirius Black, the boy who pranked her with his best friend was now helping the girl. Before she could utter a single word, he raised his finger to his lips which completely silenced the girl, nodding in the direction of Remus who was coming back to the table with a few more ingredients bundled in his hands.

Adria quickly added the Dragonfly Thoraxes into the cauldron, dusting her hands on her robes before glancing at Sirius one last time. Remus almost made her jump as he dumped the contents from his hands onto the desk with a loud bang.

"What are you smiling at?" Remus asked, she could feel Sirius' stare on her, but instead of meeting his eye she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, uh nothing." Adria shook her head, "I added the um, Dragonfly Thoraxes." Adria wasn't the best liar, but she didn't think Remus had suspected anything out of the ordinary.

"Did you really?" Remus grinned, clapping his smaller friend on the back, "I knew you could do it, Adria!"

"Uh yeah," Adria nodded, biting down hard on her lip, "It was easy."

Adria's eyes snapped up to the two boys in front of her when she heard a choked snort from none other than James. Sirius had a small smile on his face as he stirred the potion slowly, whilst James had a sly smirk. Adria only hoped that Sirius didn't help her just so he could tell Remus about the girl's failure. She probably would've figured it out, eventually.

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