Poems - 99.

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[A/N got 99 problems but Poems ain't one

Sorry omg]

Chapter 99

"I am not looking forward to O.W.Ls!" Adria groaned, her head falling onto the wooden table in front of her, "Lily Evans, my best friend in the whole wide world, my beautiful, favourite person in the whole wide world-"

"I am not doing the O.W.Ls for you, Adria," Lily chuckled, shaking her head as she looked up from her book resting on the table, "you know this Ads, what is fairy wings used in?"

"The beatification potion," Adria mumbled with a pout, reaching for her butterbeer that sat beside her. Her and Lily sat in the three broom sticks with their study notes, text books and everything they could find that could possibly help them rested in front of them one afternoon in march, they needed a change from the scenery of the library, so Lily suggested they come here.

"I heard something, Ads, it's not good," Lily whispered after a few moments of staring at her friend who looked completely done with her work, and decided a change of topic might be a good idea.

"What did you hear?" asked Adria, her head resting in her hand as she stared up at Lily.

"You know how that mark, that tattoo you saw on Jessica, was it?" asked Lily, leaning closer across the table to speak with Adria who merely nodded her head, ignoring the shiver down her spine at the mark that was rather terrifying.

"It's called the dark mark, Adria, it's not a tattoo," Lily whispered, "it's a mark to symbolise the followers of the lord guy, calls them death eaters."

"Bloody creepers if you ask me," Adria rolled her eyes, frowning as she done so, "this lord guy is really getting on my nerves, I'll say, who does he think he is, if I ever come in contact with him don't think I won't punch him, the muggle way, something he is so annoyingly opposed too." She huffed, shaking her head with a look of disgust.

"I know," Lily frowned, the two couldn't help but be irritated, the lord, this man didn't like muggle-born's, as though they were anything less than him, and it was just all around annoying, "he's dangerous, Ads, have you seen the papers?"

"I don't waste my time with it, I know I'd just become sad, and much more annoyed, Alina has already came crying to me when she was shown an article by some Slytherin, and you know what the bloody arse said?"

"No, what?" asked Lily.

"He said to her, "That'll be you someday!" and it was an article about a muggle family found dead in their home," Adria shook her head, rage evident amongst her features, "how cruel does someone need to be to say that to a twelve-year-old, no, how cruel does someone need to be to say that to anyone!"

"It's vile, this man, he doesn't deserve to be called a lord," Lily shook her head, making sure her voice was low, "he's a coward more like, uses fear for power."

"Who in their right mind would subject themselves to that," Adria huffed, "he's crazy!"

"I'm worried, though," Lily sighed, "Severus has these friends, and I know for a fact that they're death eaters, or they wish to be, anyway."

"Lily, please don't waste any more time with Severus, he's not the same boy you knew in first year," Adria sighed, reaching over to take Lily's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze as she done so, "you don't need someone like that in your life, Lily, bringing you down, especially with the friends he has who are opposed to people like us."

"I know," Lily whispered, "I just wish I could steer him in another direction."

"I know," Adria nodded, a sympathetic smile evident on her lips, "I wish you could too."

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