Poems - 11.

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Chapter 11

Halloween had gone terribly quickly in Adria's opinion, she wished it was a week-long instead of a day, and there was the run in with Regulus Black which ultimately made it worse. But, then there were the rumours the following day of Sirius Black's detention for fighting, and his victim? None other than his brother Regulus.

He never bothered her after that.

The large swelling on the side of Regulus' face where he received a black eye from none other than Sirius was almost painful for Adria to see whenever she passed him in the hallways, she was glad he wasn't bothering her but she thought maybe Sirius had gone a little too far.

She wondered why he punched him instead of used magic, but the end results were effective anyway, and that's the type of fighting Adria would use, as a muggle-born.

It was the day after the full moon in November which meant that it was only the start of the month but Adria was rather worried about Remus as he hadn't showed up to classes for another few days, just like last month.

Adria currently sat in the Gryffindor common room, her legs sprawled across the blood red couch under a soft blanket that her mother had bought her, atop her legs was a new muggle book that her father sent her with a letter complaining that the owl bit him, and he had to get stitches. The letter made Adria laugh when he explained his encounter with the doctor wondering why he was trying to untie a letter from an owl's leg.

"Adria Hopkins, just the girl I wanted to see!" a smirking Mary MacDonald said as she fell onto the end of the couch. Adria's eyes rose from the book to Mary with curious eyes. She knew that smirk, and it worried her.

"Should I be worried?" asked Adria, even though she already was.

"Of course," Mary scoffed jokingly, Adria cautiously placed the book down beside her, pulling her legs into a basket before giving Mary her full attention, "I heard a rumour."

"A rumour?" Adria repeated, worry filling her stomach as to how it concerned her, she never really got herself involved with rumours and things like that, "about?"

"You." Mary smirked, causing Adria's eyes to widen drastically, she pointed her hand to her chest.


"Yes!" Mary laughed, "and Sirius." Adria groaned, throwing her head back and kicking her legs in frustration.

"Oh god," Adria muttered, "what is this rumour saying?"

"That Sirius fancies you, and he admitted it." Adria let out loud laugh in disbelief, her eyes wide whilst she covered her mouth to muffle her giggles, she shook her head furiously, suddenly relaxing at the stupid words.

"Are you kidding?" asked Adria, throwing her head back with laughter, "Sirius doesn't fancy me, he hates me!"

"Maybe he does," Mary shrugged, a small smirk still playing at her lips, "I heard from Evan Buckley who heard from Ana Caston, who heard from some Hufflepuff who heard from someone in Gryffindor who overheard Sirius telling James, Remus, and Peter at the Gryffindor table."

"Okay that was a journey," Adria scoffed, "Evan Buckley and Ana Caston, the Ravenclaw's? They don't even know who I am!"

"Yes, they do!" Mary exclaimed, "Adria everyone knows who you are, if I'm talking to someone they always ask about you!"

"That's a lie!" Adria scoffed, "Sirius liking me is a lie too, Mary, and i'll even prove it to you!"

"How are you going to do that?" Mary asked, standing as Adria done.

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