Poems - 113.

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Chapter 113

The platform nine and three quarters was of course busy on the day that Adria, Sirius, Alina and Lia would return back to Hogwarts, but even amongst the large crowd of people there, both Benji and Alfie were still apologising to Adria for the events that happened on Jude's birthday.

The boy sat resting on Adria, with his legs around her waist and his arms around her neck, and whilst Adria was still mad at the two boys for ruining his birthday, she really didn't want to go back in the middle of an argument, so as they stood there all huddled together only slightly, trying their best not get in anyone's way, Adria listened to Benji apologise for about the sixth time just today.

"We were selfish, Addy, and we're sorry, so bloody sorry, we should've thought about Jude instead of ourselves!" Benji sighed, pleading with wide eyes and his hands clasped in front of him so that she would finally forgive him.

And really, she already had, so with a sigh, she nodded her head and handing Jude to Sirius, she wrapped her arms around him tightly, "you're forgiven, I'm sorry I wouldn't hear you out."

"Don't apologise, Addy," Benji chuckled, tightening his grip on her as she nodded silently, breathing a sigh, "I'll miss you, so much!"

"I'll miss you too, Benji, you know that," Adria sighed, she really did hate leaving her family behind, she loved them far too much that the thought of leaving them behind always felt like a pain to her stomach. Whilst she loved every single one of her family, she couldn't deny that there was a soft spot in her heart for Benji, the boy was her twin and although they argued over the stupidest things - and some not so stupid things - she still loved him with her whole heart.

"I'm sorry too, Ads, and you too, Sirius, I'm sorry for that day, and for making you worry so much," Alfie sighed, patting Adria's shoulder she nodded her head, smiling softly whilst pulling him into the tightest hug she could muster.

"I love you, Alf," she choked out, trying her best not to shed a tear, it was becoming difficult at the sad faces of her family, she watched Allie wrap her arms around Benji, her lips slightly quivering as she tried as hard as Adria not to cry, "I'll miss you so much!"

"I'll miss you too, Addy, with all my heart," he whispered, "I'll see you at Christmas and we can do something, just us two, and spend all day bonding!" he gave her a grin whilst she nodded her head.

"Sounds like a plan, don't you forget!" she wagged a finger at him whilst he nodded and soon was she in front of her dad, she stuck out her hand which he grabbed to shake and soon did he pull her into a tight hug, almost cutting off her breathing but she didn't care because she wouldn't see him until Christmas and leaving him was so painful.

"You know, you'd think as I got older, that this would get easier," Adria whispered, frowning as the tears in her eyes finally slipped in the arms over her father, he chuckled softly as he nodded his head.

"You could be forty years old visiting me, and when you leave I'd still be as sad as ever," Douglas mumbled, "you and Sirius better come visit me in the old folks home."

"Of course, we will, dad," she giggled, rolling her eyes as she pulled away, "I'll miss you far too much.

"And of course, I'll miss you too," Douglas smiled.

She nodded her head, wiping furiously at her tears until she saw Jude squirming in Sirius' grip to get to her, and with a sigh she took him, standing close to Sirius whose hand rested on her waist and his head on her hers as she hugged Jude close, "oh, my little prince," she mumbled, wiping the hair away from his face as he rests contently in her arms, "I think leaving you is the hardest thing I ever have to do."

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