Poems - 83.

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Chapter 83

It was hard for Adria to push through the large crowd of people when they made it to the church that would hold the funeral, her hand was gripped tightly in Sirius behind her and Benji in front of her as they manoeuvred their way through the crowd. The bright colours all around her brought a tear to Adria's eye that everyone respect their wishes.

Black was not a Judy Hopkins colour, it was a rare sight to see Judy wearing black, so, therefore, it felt odd that guests showing up to her funeral would wear a dark colour, when Judy was so bright.

The yellow dress with the long sleeves that Adria wore, which flowed down to above her knee was a perfect example of what one should wear to an event remembering the bright woman, with a light shining inside of her that it was hard to ever have a dull moment around her.

"Adria," Sirius whispered into her ear as they made their way to the front, standing at the edge of the long benches that lined the halls, "look," he gestured to a long bench at the opposite side, and Adria felt her heart swell at the sight of all of her friends, sitting close together in a tight group, as though Lily and the girls managed to forget their hatred towards the boys for the time being.

Adria took a deep breath, turning to look at Sirius who gave her a bright reassuring smile, and with her hand squeezing his, she took off in the direction of the seat where her friends sat, "oh Ads!" James gasped, pushing himself out of the bench as quickly as he could to engulf her tightly in a hug, and just like that, the tears fell.

His hand patted her hair as he whispered 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry' into her ear repeatedly whilst she shook her head, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist as they both seemed to cry. Hearing the news that her mother had died was painful even for James, the few times he had met the woman was a blessing, but he cried for his best friend, his sister who he held in his arms right now, he hated the thought of her going through this type of pain, and as he clung to her, he wished she was happy.

"Addy," Remus whispered, taking her hand and pulling her into a hug of his own when James finally let go of her, "I know you don't want to hear any more sorrys, I'm sure, but I really am so terribly sorry that you have to go through this, but merlin, if anyone can, it'd be you, you're so strong, Ads, so bloody strong."

"Am I, Remus?" Adria asked, lifting her head up from his chest to look at him, "all I've done is cried, is that really strong. Alfie has planned this full day with my dad, supressed his feelings so that he could help, and what have I done?!"

"Hmm, maybe looked after your week-old brother?" Remus retorted, a bubbling anger in his stomach that his best friend, a sister of his own didn't see that she was as strong as she was, "do you think I could do that? Or any of us? No, Ads, but you did, and I know because Sirius told me, he told me that you get up in the night to comfort him, to feed him, to change him, and you do it without a single protest, why can't you see that you're so strong!?"

Adria didn't know how to answer Remus, so instead she lay her head back on his chest, savouring the warmth of his arms around her, she had missed her friends so much.

"Ads, I don't want to say sorry, because I don't think you'd want to hear that," Peter spoke as she stood in front of him, flowers gripped tightly in his hand which he then handed to her, "so I want to say congratulations, for being you, for being able to get out of bed and come here today, because if my mother had passed away, I wouldn't have been able to cope, and look at you, so strong and so brave. You're a true Gryffindor, and I am so proud of you, Addy," Adria bit her lip at Peter's words, quickly handing the flowers to Sirius before she threw her arms around him, tightly embracing the boy she knew as her substitute brother, just like the two others where.

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