Poems - 36.

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Chapter 36

Adria woke on the day of the Quidditch try outs with the bubbling nerves evident in her stomach, she could hear commotion faintly and the sound of James screaming her name. She rose from her bed, making her way to the railing that looked down onto the common room to see James shouting near the bottom of the stairs. Remus and Peter sat on the sofas with amused looks on her face as Adria finally grumbled, "what?!"

"I needed to know that you're awake, now go get dressed!" he exclaimed, ushering her away to which she rolled her eyes. She turned and head back to the dorm, where the four girls where now awake.

"What did Potter want?" Lily growled, complaining that he woke her up.

"He needed to make sure I was awake for tryouts." Adria scoffed, rolling her eyes as she grabbed her things from her trunk.

"James I don't know if I can do this," Adria mumbled as they walked down the halls, the nerves where all she could think about and she stuck out her arm to stop James from walking anymore, "I mean- maybe next year, sure, but I'm just not good enough!"

"Yes, you are, Ads," James scoffed, "we've practiced nonstop, now come on!" he pulled at her arm, making her follow her down the hallway. As much as he was sympathetic towards her nerves, that was the fourth time she had stopped him from the common room.

"I don't know," she pulled on her arm, to stop him, looking back the way she came she took a shaky breath, her other hand gripped tightly at her broom which James took off her moments later.

"That's it you don't get a choice!" James exclaimed, she frowned confused until her eyes widened when he picked her up by the waist and threw her over his shoulder, "if I knew you were this light, I would've done this in the common room!" he laughed, ignoring the stares the two of them got from students around them.

"James!" she screeched, hitting his back furiously, "put me down!"

"No, you're going to these try outs, Adria!" he said, walking down the steep trail to the pitch whilst Adria gripped tightly onto him so she wouldn't fall.

"This is not fun for me!" she announced, squeaking when he almost slipped on a rock under his foot, "please, I'll go to the try outs James, just put me down!"

"Nope," he muttered, powering on through the trees, his arm still around her as he continued to ignore her protest, she groaned, grumbling words under her breath that made James scoff, until he finally put her down at the entrance to the pitch.

"If you run, I'll hex you," James warned, handing her the broom he had took from her and ushering her onto the pitch where she saw a group of other Gryffindor's.

"Position?" the captain asked as she arrived, there was a piece of parchment gripped in his hand as he wrote something down, but she couldn't see what.

"Seeker." She called out, trying to ignore the mutters that broke out all around her that filled her stomach with an awful feeling which got much worse when she heard the faint sound of students say words to their friends such as, "poor girl," and "she's so nice, too," which, if she must admit, didn't settle her nerves at all.

She turned to see the girl next to her had a broom similar to hers, and smiled at her which she returned, "do you know why everyone is so opposed to me trying out for seeker?" asked Adria, leaning closer to the girl to whisper.

"Have you seen a game?!" the girl scoffed, arching her eyebrow, "the current seeker is amazing, she's fifth year and anyone who can beat her could probably beat anyone."

"Oh...well that's definitely reassuring," Adria grumbles sarcastically, making a mental note to kill James whether she gets a spot on the team or not. Surely the seeker couldn't be that good though, seeing as Adria watched Gryffindor get beat by Hufflepuff when Finn caught the snitch.

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