Poems - 57.

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Chapter 57

Adria's feet padded down the halls of the castle, a book she was currently reading was clutched under her arm and occasionally she would sweep the hair that fell in front of her face. In just a few days would classes start and students would be returning, but until then, Adria thought it wise to catch up on her reading.

Her friends where distracting her whenever she attempted to read, she tried to get some time to herself in the common room until the Mary found her and talked about her date to the ball for what felt like hours in Adria's eyes, and whilst she felt rather bad for not caring in the slightest about Mary's date, all Mary wanted was for Adria to agree that she was right about how long it was taking for him to ask him out, even though Adria said that Mary could ask him out just as much.

When she finally got away from Mary, making her way up to the girls dormitory when Mary headed out the door, she was approached by her other three girl friends, who asked her countlessly who she thought was a cuter couple, her and Sirius or the non-existent relationship of Dorcas and Remus, which she realised was just Lily and Marlene trying to tease Dorcas as much as they could, and whilst it was rather amusing - and of course, Adria said she and Sirius where a cuter couple - Adria wanted to be alone.

So, she up and left the girls dormitory, and climbed the opposite stairs to hide in the boys dormitory whilst they were out on some prank - which she absolutely did not condone- and she managed to get some peace and quiet there for a while, the boys eventually came back, and Adria's peace was out the window. Peter wouldn't stop ranting about how much he is completely and totally in love with Thea - even though they hadn't been going out for more than a month - Remus wouldn't shut up about the new book he was reading, which was rather ironic in Adria's eyes, James purposely tried to annoy her, which seemed to work seeing as she was getting much more frustrated with every word he spoke and whenever his laughter filled the room, and Sirius, well Sirius took the seat beside her on his bed - in his defence - his arm snaking around her waist and his breath on her neck as he nuzzled into the warmth.

Whenever she tried to push him away, he would just pull her closer, laughing softly as he planted soft kisses all over her neck and face, trying to get her to laugh, which he did, which was the problem. He had a way of distracting her when she absolutely didn't want to, so with a lingering kiss good bye, Adria headed out of the dormitory, out of the common room and off to the library.

Where she was met by Finn and Milo.

As much as she loved her friends, they really could be a pain when she just wanted to read, she really would never go back to having no friends, the entirety of it was a whole lot of loneliness, and she didn't want that. But when Finn wouldn't stop talking about how pretty Milo's eyes where, and how he hadn't noticed just how gorgeous they were, and when Milo scoffed, rolling his eyes and speaking shyly about how blonde Finn's hair was, and how it was perfect to run his hands through, Adria just had enough.

Her friends where adorable, really, but merlin she thought Sirius went overboard with compliments.

Which brings us to now, when Adria's feet only clad in fluffy socks padded down the hallways, the relaxing sound of quietness floating around her which was occasionally interrupted by the greeting of a painting which she of course greeted back.

She wandered for a while, taking in each hallway, each nook and cranny and every single corner she had missed, which she hadn't visited for a while and with a sigh of contentment bubbling from her lips, she finally took a seat on one of the comfortable window seats that the castle had to offer.

Her book rested on her knees and her head leaned against the wall whilst her eyes scanned the pages in front of her. She wasn't overly impressed with the book, and she didn't want the peace to read it, but rather, she missed it. She missed the sound of silence around her, she missed her thoughts that always seemed to cloud her judgment and the actual clouds that she could see dotted around the sky outside.

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