Poems - 151.

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Chapter 151

She was lovely, Lia couldn't deny that, over the week they had spent together, the two had clicked instantly, laughing at jokes shared among each other's, spending time in the common room of the others house, she was a brilliant distraction to the hurt she had that Alina left her. Her glasses where a little too big for her face, falling to the side of her face a lot, but out of a habit of the seven days the two had shared together, Lia always moved to fix them, laughing as she did so.

Her eyes where big, doe like, a chocolate brown, that Ramona didn't like, but Lia had no idea as to why not, they were warm, and inviting, and Lia undeniably couldn't help but get lost in them once or twice, she didn't know how she ended up so close to the girl, but she could see the specks of gold swirling around near her pupil, complimenting the dark green outline perfectly, a wonderful eye colour for a wonderful girl.

She was short in height, well not really, she stood taller than Lia, but many people did, she had the kindest smile, warm like her eyes, bright, too, and wide with happiness, and when she did smile did her eyes crinkle in delight, sparkling with happiness that she shared with everyone around her, she was lovely.

She had a wicked sense of humour, well, sometimes, she was incredibly sarcastic to the point that whenever Lia was sarcastic, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, knowing full well that it was partly her influence over the past seven days that they had spent together, only seven days.

It seemed like longer in the best possible way, they just became friends instantly, as though it was meant to happen, as though their lives where controlled, and at the perfect moment did the controller add them both into their specific stories, It was truly incredible that when Lia was feeling terrible, hurt, angry, did an angel, someone like Ramona enter her life.

She was a true friend, she had made friends with Adria as quickly as a week, as well as Alina, so Ramona was already close to her, she liked the girl a whole lot, she couldn't help it, she was just extremely likeable.

"You alright, Lia?" asked Ramona, her legs draping over Lia's, her head titled, a small smile playing at her lips and her book she was currently reading rested on her bare legs, "you've been staring into space for ten minutes."

"Oh!" Lia grinned suddenly, nudging the girl in front of her ever so slightly, nodding furiously, "yes, I'm fine- great, actually!"

Ramona smiled widely as she mimicked her nod, draping the blanket over the two of them fully, engulfed in the warmth that spread through the Ravenclaw common room, "what where you thinking about that got you so happy?"

"You-" she cut herself off suddenly, it blurted out before she could even think of what she was saying, and before Ramona opened her mouth to speak, Lia could have sworn she saw her cheeks tinging pink, "the fact that it seems like Alina doesn't care all that much about our friendship, that she has left me, it- well, it just hurts, so much, I love Alina, and if she doesn't speak to me by Christmas then Adria is going to say something, but I wish she didn't have to, I wish she didn't have to say anything, that Alina just knew, I was thinking about you because these past seven days have been the best since she stopped speaking to me."

"Lia," Ramona sighed, placing her book down, pushing herself beside the girl, patting her shoulder a she done so, "Alina will come around, she's probably just so happy to have Jesse that she's blinded by it, she's younger than both of us, and that can cause issues, differences. She may only be a year younger than I am, but I've learned a lot in a year, you've learned a lot in two, she's still experiencing right and wrong, and whilst she does have a sister like Adria, she isn't her clone, no matter how alike their features are, they aren't in the same house for a reason. Alina is her own person, and she's going to make mistakes, what matters is, is that you will be there for her at the end, to tell her that it's alright, because right now, she doesn't really have that, she had her mum to do that, and it seems like you and Adria has forgotten that she is still only fourteen."

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