Poems - 35.

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Chapter 35

Try-outs for the Gryffindor quidditch team where just a week away, and James and Adria spent most of their time on the pitch in attempt to fit as much practice in as they could, Sirius was still rather keen on talking to girls from their year which annoyed Adria to the point that she had barely spoken to Sirius at all, and it seemed as though he had noticed.

Currently, Adria sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall, surrounded by her friends who piled food onto their plates, James sat beside her which was odd as usually that was Sirius' seat, but she could see him smirking as he sat at the Ravenclaw table with a girl she knew as Eliza, she was sure was her name.

Sirius turned to look at the Gryffindor table, making eye contact with Adria whose frown Sirius noticed instantly, he smiled widely at the sight of her, but she merely stared back down at the notebook in front of her.

She felt a hand on her shoulders a moment later, and turns to see Sirius standing between her and James, a small frown on his lips as he looks down at her. She turns back to her book, her pen tapping lightly on the page, completely oblivious to the frown deepening on his face.

"What's going on with you, Adria?" he asks, gently pushing James who moves along the bench enough for him to sit down.

She shrugs his hand from her shoulder, "don't know what you're on about, Black." She mumbles, earning looks from her friends who are rather interested in the conversation, she hears him mutter something under his breath, but couldn't quite make out what he was saying, turning slightly in her seat she asks, "what did you say?"

"Nothing, don't know what you're on about, Hopkins." He replies. She bites her lip to supress the small smile, rolling her eyes as she wonders why she bloody likes him. He turns to his friends, muttering greetings to which they all reply shortly. James talks about quidditch to him, which he seemed rather interested in, and attempted to add Adria into the conversation but she merely answers silently with shrugs of her shoulder.

She heard the sound of giggling which seemed to irritate her even more and looked up to see a Ravenclaw looking her way, she glanced at Sirius who winked at the girl, which seemed to result in more giggling. Adria rolled her eyes as she turned to her friends, closing her book shut, she bid them a quick goodbye before rising from her seat and out of the hall in a hurry.

She made it out of the hall, sighing in relief to see that it was empty, and rushed down the hallway, "what is going on with you, seriously?!" she hears behind her, she turns suddenly to see Sirius behind her, a frown on his lips.

"Nothing!" she exclaims, sick of the questions she didn't want to answer, "nothing's wrong with me Sirius, I'm sure your Ravenclaw friend is waiting for your return." She rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall.

"I don't believe you, Ads," Sirius muttered, "you say that nothing's wrong but do you mean it?"

Adria thought for a few moments, of course she didn't mean it but she couldn't admit the real reason to Sirius, "No, I don't mean it, Sirius, but maybe if you actually acknowledged our friendship you would know-"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" he asked defensively, straightening himself up from the wall and folding his arms over his chest.

"It means that if you actually took two seconds out of your day to stop flirting with all of these girls then maybe you'd know what goes on in your friends lives!" she huffed, tucking the loose hairs from the braid that fell down her back behind her ears as a scowl falls on her lips.

"Oh, what so I can't talk to other people now?!" he asked, raising his voice as he scoffed in disbelief.

"You can talk to whoever you like, Sirius, fine by me, but don't come complaining to me, shouting and asking what is wrong with me when you haven't even had the decency to find out, when was the last time you were actually with our group of friends, when we go to Hogsmeade or if we are all in the common room? This isn't just about me, this is about all of us, who haven't seen you since we started back basically, because all you have done is spent your time with girls and then tossed them for another one!" she shouted, her voice risen drastically that Sirius was taken aback, "and you know what? I'm nervous about the quidditch try outs, but you would know that if you actually made an effort!"


"Also, don't make an effort to come to my practices if you're just going to talk to girls whenever you're there!" she turned on her heel, walking down the hall, and leaving Sirius speechless as he watched her small figure disappear around the corner.

She let out a breath she was holding, she wasn't lying when she said she was nervous about the try outs, because it was the only thing on her mind other than Sirius, and well, he didn't need to know the full truth of how she has been acting.

She didn't like shouting at him, or arguing with him because he would always be her best friend, no matter how angry she was with him, part of it wasn't even his fault. She hated the way she felt towards him, hated that her abrupt feelings that had sprang on her all of a sudden, was so evident whenever he talked to these girls. But him talking to all of these girls was so sudden, that it surprised her.

He had never talked to girls in their third year, he was always with her or the boys, so she wondered why this change from third year to fourth year was so different, why did he feel it was necessary to flirt with these girls and then move on to another one. This wasn't the Sirius she knew, the one she knew wasn't like that, and would never do something like this.

[A/N this is literally the shortest chapter i've ever written but i'm publishing it at the same time as chapter 36 so it's all good]

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