Poems - 22.

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Chapter 22

"Do you two have everything?!" Judy asked frantically as Adria's whole family, and Sirius stood close together on the busy Hogwarts Express platform. Sirius was wearing a knitted hat that covered his red hair, and the thought of it made Adria burst into fits of giggles.

"Yes, mum!" Adria laughed, looking around her just in case. In the bag that Sirius was holding for her, as maid duties, she had her camera as well as her new book, and her old one. Both hers and Sirius' trunks where already on the train, and all that was left was the two of them.

"Oh, come here," Judy wailed, pulling Adria into a tight hug, before pulling Sirius in too, "I won't see you until summer, Addy, I'm allowed to hug you!"

"Well let me hug her too!" Douglas huffed, pulling her from her mother's grip who still had a hold on Sirius who was trying not to be overly awkward and hugging her himself, "no more friends, I can't keep up."

"I can't help my popularity, dad." Adria joked, hugging Alina tightly before hugging Benji and Alfie.

"It was really nice having you over Christmas, Sirius," Douglas grinned, "you're welcome any time you like."

"Best Christmas I've ever had," Sirius grinned as Adria attempted to pull him along, "thank you!" he called as him and Adria waved to the family. Instead of getting on the train, Adria pulled them down the platform where she saw Remus with his family.

"Remus!" she grinned, throwing herself at him in a hug, "I missed you!"

"It's been two weeks, Adria!" he laughed, "how was your Christmas?"

"Amazing!" she beamed, "I got a camera, what about you?"

"Yeah, it was great!" He grinned, "what about you, Sirius, have fun at your future in-laws."

"Oh, shove off, Remus." Sirius grumbled, rolling his eyes whilst Remus smirked.

"Wanna see something funny, Remus?"

"Don't you dare!" Sirius growled, his eyes narrowed as Remus nodded. Adria reached up as quickly as she could and grabbed the hat from Sirius' head to reveal the red colour of his hair. Remus covered his mouth, his eyes wide as he tried his hardest not to laugh, but that deemed pointless when his muffled laughs could be heard behind his hand.

"It's not funny!" Sirius groaned, throwing his head back as Remus and Adria couldn't help their laughter.

"Peter!" Adria grinned, hugging the boy, "do you like Sirius' hair?"

"Oh my god!" he gasped, covering his mouth just like Remus to hide his laughter.

"I know, it's great isn't it?!" Adria laughed, "he really suits it!" she reached up and ran a hand through his hair jokingly, resulting in a deadly look from Sirius.

"James!" Adria grinned, giving the boy a hug before gesturing to Sirius "do you like Sirius' hair?"

"I love it!" he scoffed, laughing loudly, without even attempting to hide it, "need a new change mate? Where's your sister, Evans?"

"That's what I said!" Adria said, laughing as Sirius pulled the hat back onto his head.

"Actually, it was a prank," he huffed, "by her." All eyes went to Adria, all widened in disbelief as she shrugged.

"I won the prank war, I'm still reigning champion!" she cheered, "I'll see you all later, I'm going to go find Lily." She chuckled, quickly hugging Sirius before rushing off down the platform.

"So did you have fun at Adria's?" Remus asked as the four entered the train, he leaded the wait to their compartment, the one at the end of the train that they always used.

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