Poems - 170.

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Chapter 170

She hadn't seen him, really, in so long, avoiding him, a slight glance in his direction that she forced not to be any longer than a second, to see his eyes, bags evident under them, his hair pulled into a bun atop of his head because he really didn't care much about it without her there to run her hands through it, a permanent frown on his lips, she couldn't bear the sight.

But as she stood at the stairs leading to the girl's dormitory which she had just descended, she allowed herself to look at him, to watch him, to feel the pain in her stomach, to see it on his features as he stared blankly ahead, completely in a daze.

Though she didn't look all that good either, with tears staining her cheeks, her hair scraped back into a bun that mimicked /Sirius', and Milo's jumper falling over her body, she couldn't bear the smell of Sirius, every time she was close to his possessions, near his bed in the dormitory that she made sure to stay away from, or even passing him in the hallway with her head strictly on the ground, the sight of Keira with her lips on his flashed through her mind, it was painful, and so vivid, but she had coped for so long, she needed to know the exact details.

So, she clutched the bottle tightly in her hand, and wished, hoped, longed for the truth to be something completely different than what she thought it would be, it was highly unlikely, and she wondered if this was the right thing to do.

Walking towards him, taking a step closer, into his space, feeling his warm as she stood beside the chair, still watching him caught in a daze, a whiff of his scent travelling through her nostrils, it was horrible, but she had suffered long enough.

"S-Sirius," she choked out, even saying his name was painful, but she had to be strong, she had to stand up to what she had ran from for way over a month, almost two. He jumped up, ready to take her in his arms but stopping himself at the sight of her emotionless expression, the coldness that engulfed him once more, but he was so close to her, a complete accident, but still so close, painfully close that his breath fanned her lips, and she had to take a step back not to cave under her feelings, "I need you to tell me what happened."

"The truth, I swear, Adria, I promise everything that happe-"

She lifted up her finger to stop him, her breath caught in her throat for a few moments at the sound of his voice, "you need to take this," she finally breathed out, holding up a small bottle, "and this isn't to say that I don't trust you, because I have always trusted you, with my life, and your word will always come on top but I w-watched you, I caught you, her lips were on yours, and I just- I can't seem to get it out of my head, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much time I've spent away from you that has been so painful, I just can't seem to get the sight of you and her out of my head."

He eyed the bottle in her hand, the words she spoke sending a wave of guilt that he knew he shouldn't feel bubbling in his stomach, and with a click of realisation, he whispered, "Veritaserum."

She was about to speak, to tell him that this was the only way that she could hear him, but she wasn't able to get a word out before he spoke, "how much do I take?"

She was surprised that he was so willing to take it, so willing to tell her the truth. The small glimmer of hope that she was wrong bubbled frantically in her stomach, so much so that she reached for his hand, the wave of emotions she had built up for him slowly breaking through the wall she had spent almost two months building, cracking the exterior, the bricks, allowing her to take a step closer to him, to almost be pushed against him, but not quite.

She guided him to the arm chair, leaning over him with the bottle quickly unscrewed, and soon did she tilt his chin ever so slightly, and not a second later did she carefully pour three drops of the Veritaserum onto his tongue, she had only just gotten the bottle last week after sneaking into the supplies cupboard one evening when the slug club was on, under the invisibility cloak so to not be caught.

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