Poems - 72.

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Chapter 72

"Adria," the girl groaned at the sound of her name, pulling her pillow over her hair she frowned when the hushed sound of her name filled the room again.

"What is it, Benji?" she growled, turning suddenly to see her brother sitting cross legged beside her, her eyes trailed to Sirius who still slept contently in the sofa bed and then to her clock which showed seven am.

"I really need your help," he whispered, almost pleadingly, "like twin lock promise help," the boy spoke lowly, allowing Adria's eyes to widen as she sat up.

"What's wrong, are you in trouble?" she asked concerned. As odd as the saying was, the twin lock promise was a saying the two made up at the age of six when Benji set fire - accidently, of course - to Alfie's favourite toy, and Adria helped him bury the remains, whilst lying for him, after that, the two made up the twin lock promise when they got into a far too extreme amount of trouble and needed help with it. Their deal was that the twin lock promise had to be a large amount of extreme, and a large amount of urgency, and no matter what happened, if either of them declared a twin lock promise, then the other had to help.

"No, well, yes," Benji sighed, "Adria I've done something bad, really bad actually and I don't know how to solve it."

"Benji, what have you done?" she whispered, running a hand through her hair and heaving a sigh.

"I stole something," he whispered, his head bowed and guilt engulfing him when his eyes fixated on Adria, awaiting her reaction. Her eyes had widened drastically, and she felt disappointment bubbling within her.

"Benji," she trailed off, shaking her head, "how could you?!"

He was humiliated with his answer, and if Adria was honest, this was all rather unexpected, the boy hadn't acted any differently since she had come home so to think that when she wasn't here that he was off stealing things was a complete shock.

"Look, It's been different without you and Alina around, Alfie is completely different, we barely even talk anymore, and dad is obviously making sure mum is okay, and I just, I missed you Adria, and I couldn't talk to you so I found friends as quickly as I could, and they were the wrong friends, Ads, I made a mistake, but they told me I could only be friends with them if I stole them beer, and if I grabbed cigarettes. They wanted the beer and then took off, that's all they wanted me for, but now I have these cigarettes and what if mum finds them? Or dad? I need your help to throw them away!" his voice had risen and Adria's eyes snapped to Sirius in case he awoke at the voice levels rising, but when he slept peacefully, soft snores leaving his lips as he snuggled closer to his blanket, Adria was sure they were safe to continue.

"Benji," Adria sighed, "but why didn't you just throw them away when you took them?" she asked, her hand patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"Because they started running so I ran after them, but I got lost in the city for about an hour until I found the train and got it home, when I finally got home I realised I still had them and they've been in my room ever since, I stuffed them in my dresser and I don't know, we need to burn them or something, we can't just shove them in the bin, can we?!" he exclaimed. Adria sent him a warning look, pointing to Sirius to which he quickly apologised.

"Come on, Benji, show me them," she sighed, shaking her head slightly as she stood from her bed. She pulled her slippers onto her feet, walking behind Benji as he shuffled to her door.

"Adria?" she turned at the sound of Sirius' voice, watching as he blinked confusedly in the dark when the noise of the floorboards echoed around the room. She sent Benji a quick gesture of 'one moment' before making her way over to the sofa bed.

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