Poems - 112.

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Chapter 112.

The summer for Adria was rather exciting, seeing her friends was always a happy time, and even though she was engulfed with sadness when they left, she still had a wonderful time nonetheless.

But now, on this very day as she celebrated her little brothers first birthday, a day that was supposed to be filled with happiness and bright faces, Adria couldn't help but feel so terribly sad.

One year ago, today, she had lost her mother, and it seemed all of her hard work to better herself and to forget about the pain she had been going through had all slipped away when she woke up that morning, feeling as though the happiness that clouded the air during summer had lowered.

She didn't wake up to The Beatles playing through the record player down stairs, nor did the smell of pancakes fill her nostrils even from the top floor of the house was she still usually able to smell them.

But instead, as she woke up unnaturally early did she feel as though the house was as dull as the day her mother died. Sirius' arms where around her tightly, and his warm breath fanned the exposed skin of her arm from where his head rested, but slowly, and gently did Adria push herself up from the bed, making sure not to wake Sirius and quickly pulled her slippers onto her feet to battle the cold.

She grabbed one of Sirius' t-shirts that lay on the floor, and quickly took her own off to replace it with the much more comfortable one that Sirius' had to offer.

As she descended the stairs to the second floor of her home, taking a deep breath, she pushed her way into Jude's room, her heart almost breaking at the sight of her father with Jude sleeping contently in his arms and tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, dad," Adria whispered, unable to stop herself from running over to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist as the first sob escaped her lips. as best as he could, Douglas lay Jude back in his crib, quickly wrapping his arms around Adria who couldn't help her tears when she saw the sight of her father, "I-it's been a year, dad, a full year without her, without mum!"

"I know, sweetheart," Douglas whispered, frowning as he done so, it pained him, so much to see his daughter, his pride and joy so upset, but he knew she couldn't help it, because he couldn't either.

The fact that it had been a full year without the love of his life, without his Judy, his wonderful wife, it was so violent, such a violent feeling that filled his stomach at the thought. There were times through the year that he wished to just give up, to break down and not have to worry about everything, to just scream for her to come back.

And then he realised that the gifts she had given him still needed him, still needed him to be there for him, that all of his prides and joys, his Alfie, his Benji, his Adria, his Alina, and his Jude, all of them needed him, and he could never leave them, he could never let them down even if he tried, he loved them far too much.

"She would be proud of us, dad," Adria whispered, wiping furiously at the tears that spilled in her eyes, "she would've been so proud of us, and we need to remember that, we need to remember that this day is for Jude, we need to celebrate him, the gift that she left us, the little boy with the biggest eyes was left for us from her, because she couldn't stay. If we don't make this day a regular day then we are all going to go crazy, we need to push our sadness behind us, we need to make Jude happy."

Douglas breathed a deep breath as he looked down at Adria, shaking his head as more tears fell. He couldn't believe that his daughter was so wise, so responsible, so mature, he couldn't believe that she was sixteen either, it was crazy, it was absolutely crazy to him that she was growing up.

"You're right," Douglas nodded, tightening his grip on her, "when did you become so wise, Adria," he whispered, shaking his head whilst she laughed softly.

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