Poems - 169.

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Chapter 169

No one knew what had happened, the rumours had spiralled out of control about what Sirius had actually done, but all that was known was that he had hurt Adria badly, and everyone knew it. So, when the red head, the best friend of the grieving girl walked into the great hall, her head held high, her eyes filled with concentration, a look which told anyone not to even look in her direction, soon grabbed Sirius' ear, pulling him along whilst he let out a yelp, but nonetheless, allowed the girl to pull him.

Because who would really want to get on the bad side of Lily Evans.

It was silent, it never was between the two, they were friends, they had been for a while, though Lily would always be Adria's best friend, not just over Sirius, but over everyone, the first friend, the only friend for a while, they had a special connection than no one could ever match. They had tons of friends, they had the boys they were in love with - somewhat, in Adria's case - but the two of them where deeper than that, they had a bond, though magic wasn't strong enough for it, it was love, the most profound love.

So why Lily Evans wasn't beating him up was the first thought to pop into his head.

"The cruciatus curse is illegal but I won't tell anyone if you won't," Sirius finally spoke, completely oblivious to the sadness bubbling in Lily's stomach that he even brought up such a method of torture, that he thought he even deserved something like that, when he hadn't even done anything wrong, he was caught at the wrong time, and even Lily knew that had he not been caught, he would have gone straight to Adria.

"I'm mad at you," Lily spoke coldly, pulling him along until they reached a corridor isolated by students, though a small breeze ran through the corridor.

"You have every right to be," Sirius whispered, frowning, straightening himself up when Lily finally let him go, her arms over her chest, a disappointed look etched across her features as she stared at him, waiting for him to say something else other than guilt ridden sadness, but as much as he knew that he was innocent, that he didn't cheat.

He didn't know that Lily knew too.

So, he stood there in the aching silence, only the slight tap of Lily's shoe on the ground filling the hallway, as well as the breathing, and to Sirius, his speeding heart. If you weren't afraid of Lily Evans, then you weren't human, she had the ability to be terrifyingly intimidating, and Sirius wasn't stupid, he wasn't going to get on her bad side even more than he already was, he wasn't an idiot.

"Oh, for goodness sake Sirius!" she exclaimed, her arms flailing around, her eyes wide, "will you stop feeling this stupid guilt and go tell your girlfriend the truth?!"


"I know you didn't kiss Keira, alright?!" Lily exclaimed, shaking her head, a frown etched across her lips, "what I want to know is why Adria doesn't know, it's been ages!"

"She needs time-"

"She's had time."

"She needs more time," Sirius matched her gaze, straightening himself up, "you're her best friend, Lily, and you know her more than anyone else, but not me, you don't know her more than I do, even if you think you do, you don't. she is the love of my life, Lily, she's the only girl I will spend the rest of my life wife, and if I don't, then I won't have one, I will have a beating heart but I won't have a life.

She needs time, she always does, she needs time to do everything, and however much time that is, I'm gonna give it to her because that's what she needs, she'll come to me when she's ready, and I'll tell her everything, I'll tell her what happened, what really happened.

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