Poems - 117.

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[chapter 4/5 that I've uploaded in bulk]

Chapter 117

A groan escaped Adria's lips as she kicked the quilt off of her, running a hand through her hair as she done so, "how many bloody times do I have to say I'm fine?" she huffed.

"You're here for a reason, Adria," Finn sang, his legs crossed from where he sat at the end of the bed, an amused smile on his lips as he ran his hand through Milo's hair.

"Safety precautions my ass," she grumbled, her head falling onto Sirius' lap from where he sat beside her, laughing at her anger.

"You took a nasty fall, Adria," Milo sighed, patting her knee whilst she grumbled under her breath.

"You're only saying that because you don't need to go to class!" she exclaimed, pouting as she done so, "it's unfair, really."

"What?!" Finn gasped, sharing a look with Milo who looked just as shocked, "as if we would!"

"Oh, ha ha," she grumbled, climbing onto Sirius' lap whilst he wrapped his arms around her, tangling his hands in her hair.

"Oh how cute," Milo piped in, smirking at the two in front of him, "of course, we're cuter but-"

"Sorry, Milo, I couldn't hear you over our cuter selves," Sirius cut him off, earning a high five from Adria who couldn't help but giggle.

"You know what we should all do when I'm out of here?" Adria grinned, "we should go on a double date to Hogsmeade!"

"Oh yes, that'd be fun!" Milo nodded his head enthusiastically, slapping Finn's arm who couldn't help but grin, "I haven't had butterbeer in a while."

"Neither have I," Adria nodded, "I need to stock up on fudge flies, too."

"No, you don't," Sirius chuckled, momentarily forgetting for a few moments before he reached over the bed and grabbed his bag, "I got Lily to get you some."

Adria couldn't help but grin as she took the bag from Sirius' hand, pressing kisses to his face wherever she could reach whilst Finn and Milo voiced their protests, "oh bloody hell!"

"Thank you," she mumbled, offering Sirius a wide smile enough to make his heart swell. It was obvious that she had been completely miserable stuffed up in the hospital wing, and with nothing to do but keep her company, Sirius felt terribly guilty, "love you."

"Love you too," he chuckled, kissing her cheeks already filled with fudge flies, "jeez Adria, calm down."

"Please don't judge me, Sirius, I'm sensitive," Adria mumbled through the mouth full of fudge flies lodged into her mouth.

"Oh shush," Sirius chuckled, rolling his eyes before pressing a kiss to her forehead, "I'm just happy to see you happy, you've been bloody miserable these past few days."

"I haven't been all bad," she shrugged, "you've been here which is more than enough."

"I can admit that was cute," Finn grumbled, sharing a look with hopeless romantic Milo who couldn't help but smile widely.

"Are you kidding?!" Milo exclaimed, falling onto Finn's shoulder, "that was bloody adorable!"

"I don't understand why I'm still here, though," Adria sighed, shaking her head, "I'm completely fine and I've been fine for the past two days, I feel no pain, I don't feel uncomfortable, I don't have any headaches, I am absolutely fine!"

"You're here for your own safety," Sirius sighed, frowning as he tightening his grip around her, "I know you don't like it and I'm not bloody fond of it either, but I'd rather know that you're definitely okay before you're released."

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