Poems - 123.

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Chapter 123

It was four in the morning when crying, no, when screaming was heard in the Hopkins house, screaming unlike anything Adria had heard when she sat suddenly in her bed, brining Sirius from his slumber who followed Adria's lead, his arms reaching out to her as though something was going to harm her.

At first Adria thought it was Jude, and as usual would Alfie - reluctantly - get out of bed to help the boy rest, but then the unthinkable happen. Adria couldn't say that her heart didn't almost fall out of her chest when her door barged open and soon was the light on revealing Lia, wide eyed and panting as she stumbled over her words.

"I...I-I don't know what happened, I don't know what's wrong!" she stuttered, gasping as she gestured to Alina's room. Adria jumped up, mimicking the look on Lia's face as she followed her, stumbling hurriedly through the door to Alina's room who was on the bed drenched in sweat and frantic sobs screaming from her lips.

"No, how could you? how could you do that to her?!" she screamed, her eyes somewhere else as where her mind, she was shaking furiously, as was her head as she reached out for something, but she couldn't seem to clutch what she wanted.

Lia pushed herself out of the way when Adria ran to her, gripping Alina' shoulders tightly, she shrieked, "Allie, Allie listen to me!"

"Wha- Adria?" Alina choked out, her eyes wide as she looked at her sister in front of her.

Adria moved to cup Alina's face in her hand, a heart-breaking sight it was to see the sweat mixing with her tears and her eyes filled with pain, "oh baby girl," Adria whispered, sitting on Alina's bed and pulling her into her embrace, breathing heavily as she done so.

Lia was unsure what to do, she had a terrifying experience waking up to the sobs and screams of the girl who lay next to her, she had to admit for a second she thought Alina was dying, and that very thought was enough to make her jump up to help her.

"Ad-Addy," Alina choked out, shaking her head furiously, "I'm so scared, it was like it was happening again!" she whispered, gripping onto the now damp jumper that Adria wore.

"It's okay, Allie, it's okay," Adria whispered, "nothing's happening, mum's safe up in heaven, don't worry."

"I-I wasn't dreaming of mum," Alina whispered after a few moments of silence where she looked up to face Adria.

Adria's eyes fell to hers, searching for something other than pain but she couldn't seem to find it, "you have to tell me what happened, Allie, or I can't help you."

"I know," Alina muttered softly, "I suppose it's time to tell you how I can see the thestrals."

Adria's heart caught in her throat as she looked down at her baby sister, hiding pain behind her wide smile she hadn't realised how much her baby had been through, "let's get some hot chocolate first."


The sound of a beautiful stream in the distance was heard through the mountains where the girls played, laughing wildly as they grabbed onto each other, ignoring the sounds of their parents close as they continued through the wooded forest, bright eyed as they took in the woodland creatures that grazed in the tall grass, unaware of the two young girls close to them.

Alina Hopkins and Lou Bell giggled happily, hand in hand as they ventured further into the woods, taking in the area surrounding them with fascination clouding them. The picnic that their family was on in an attempt to rid themselves the pain of their first daughter leaving for school was going well so far but the two friends decided to explore the area atop of the mountain that both families had climbed.

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