Poems - 173.

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[Countdown to completion, number 5 of 5]

Chapter 173

She couldn't keep the smile off of her lips as she walked down the hallway, holding the bag over her shoulder, finally, finally happy that her life had regained control, that it was back on track, that she had Sirius, and he had justice in the vision of an expelled Keira, it was wonderful. The warm breeze blew through the hallway from the courtyard, illuminating the ground with the bright sun warming the students, and warming the castle. She was finally able to be happy, finally able to feel content during the second half of her seventh year, only worrying about newts, but she had studied as best as she could, she wasn't sure what else she could possibly do.

She almost stopped in her tracks when she noticed the girl approaching her, finally standing still waiting for the girl very evidently walking towards her, and when the girl was finally in front of Adria, it was quite clear that she was upset, very upset, she had bags under her eyes, puffy cheeks as though she had just stopped crying, and well she had, she was a mess, she was Adria two weeks ago, and the thought near enough broke Adria's heart.

"I used to be Keira's best friend," Adria's face drops, the kind smile previously on her lips wiped away, not at the girl in front of her, but the twisted disgust at even the sound of the girl's name. The girl in front of her can't help but nod in agreement at the mere look of disgust etched across Adria's features, "she kissed my boyfriend, and I know she did that to you too, when the rumours that you and Sirius had split, I just knew it had something to do with her, b-but now you're back with Sirius, h-how did you forgive him?"

"Because he didn't cheat," Adria sighed, guiding the girl to the window seat in the hall, "she pushed herself onto him, trapped him, forced herself onto him, he didn't kiss her back."

"But how did you know that?"

"I trust him, but I used Veritaserum," Adria whispered, "he was more than willing to use it to prove what happened, that he would never kiss her, and that he never would."

"I haven't forgiven my boyfriend yet, it was way before Christmas, and he's angry and sad but not at me and I can't look at him, but I miss him so much. I got into the biggest argument with Keira and she said that he wanted her because I was too f-fat for him."

"What?!" Adria gasped, wide eyed, anger bubbling inside of her, "she said that?!"

"Yes-" the girl nodded, "and I now I'm fat, and I didn't care much that I was fat, but hearing that the boy you're in love with doesn't what you because of something so shallow, w-well it hurts," she choked out, unable to stop herself from throwing her arms around Adria when she moved to hug her.

She would always trust people, always easily follow her heart, though she was wary of new people, she couldn't help but trust the girl whose name she didn't even know yet, it was a flaw, but it was Adria, she was making up for her lack of friends she had never truly had for three years, and whilst she had easily made up for it, she would always befriend as many people as she could, she loved meeting new people, she loved finding different personalities, loved learning new quirks, knew favourites of people, it was exciting to her.

"I have Veritaserum in my bag," Adria trailed off, "would you like to hear what your boyfriend has to say, and the truth?"

The girl thought for a few moments, straightening herself up from the previous position, and fixing her green and silver tie that moved out of place ever so slightly, "isn't that breaking school rules?"

Adria bit her lip to stop her smirk, and soon with a nod did she speak, "Definitely."

"Alright, let's do it."

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