Poems - 103.

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Chapter 103


There was always time to turn back, she didn't need to do this, she shouldn't be the one so painfully nervous about the whole ordeal, but nonetheless, she was.


Her knuckle was cold when it collided with the door, and she could hear the sound of voices, muffled and confused inside, and wished they weren't all there. She hoped the all weren't there.


Her hand dropped to her side, a puff of air blowing from her lips, creating the soft breeze that moved her hair. Her heart thudded against her chest, her bottom lip against her teeth, her eyes closed for a moment to allow herself a breath.

"Frank, merlin I swear to god we don't have any more cauldron cake-" Adria's eyes had widened at the sharpness of the voice, the voice of her tall best friend with scars littering his face but nonetheless, the boy was handsome, and his soft voice, although sharp faded at the sight of her.

"Is it Frank, will he cheer up Sirius?!" Adria heard Peter call from inside and had to stop herself from smiling, had to stop herself from the emotions begging to come through.

Had to stop herself from throwing her arms around her best friend.

"Well, I guess I'd say it's something better," Remus replied after a few moments, opening the door to the room which Adria silently stepped into, feeling the heat of Remus' cardigan she wished to hug him, she wished for him back.

She wished for Peter back, as he sat on his bed with his lips parted at the sight of her, and his hair slightly messy which was rather adorable, the boy was a cutie, as shy as they come but brilliant nonetheless, and she missed him so much. She missed their evenings together when he attempted to teach her chess, or when they would sulk over another death in the newspaper, and he would feed her fudge flies because she was too upset over a loss that she couldn't do it herself, she missed him.

She missed the boy adorned in glasses, whose mouth parted and his hand let go of the snitch that he traced his hand around, and now it fluttered furiously around the room, and as it neared her, she reached out and grabbed it, feeling the cold clasp in her hand. She missed his laugh, and the way they would dance wildly, and talk passionately about quidditch, she missed his hugs and his jokes, and his puns about their animagus, she missed him.

And as well as her tall best friend, the scars that littered his face, and the warmth he always seemed to emit, she missed that painfully. She missed their reading in the library, their jokes as they teased each other, the way they both listened to the others passionate rambling about politics that they were too young to take action, but old enough to know that it was wrong, she missed how well he made tea when they would take visits to the kitchen to talk with the house elves, and she missed him.

She could hear music coming from Remus' record player, the song she had heard countlessly, one of her favourites, a song which she always danced too when she could, shaking her hips and bouncing on her heels, she had no dancing bone in her body, but she loved that song.

But not as much as she loved the boy with his face pressed against his pillow, unaware that it was her, and not the slightest suspecting her even though she rendered the other three boys speechless, "Frank can't cheer me up, I just want-"

"Me?" Adria whispered, close to his bed as her hand wrapped around the post, and he stopped, frozen for a moment until he turned, and he saw her, with her pyjamas on, and her hair messily tied in one of those buns he wished he could do in his own hair, and merlin, she was an angel.

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