Poems - 100.

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Chapter 100 (:o)

"I don't care about Jupiter's moons!" Adria exclaimed, falling back onto the grass she sat on near the castle with Lily beside her one morning in April. It was nearing lunch time - which Adria was more than excited for - but until then, her and Lily where studying a lot more than they wished to for O.W.Ls of course, it was highly stressful with every passing moment, and Adria could feel herself getting much more frustrated, "you know what else I don't care about? The definition of a switching spell, it switches things, who bloody cares!"

Lily couldn't help but laugh at Adria's frustration which she couldn't help but agree with, her brain was fried with all the information she had to remember for the exams, and to say she wanted them to be over was a definite understatement.

"I just want to cry," Adria pouted, a groan escaping her lips as she turned to face Lily, "and you know what else is frustrating, the boys, they frustrate me, they don't seem to study, they just know, do you know how irritating that is?!"

"Oh, I know," Lily nodded, "I feel like I'm the only one that needs to study to actually learn something!"

"Exactly!" Adria groaned, pulling her legs into a basket, "I just wish for them to be over so I can go home and see Jude and cry because he's so cute."

"He'll be one in less than three months-"

"Don't remind me, Lily!" Adria huffed, "he's my baby and he's going to stay that way, don't know what you're talking about, if I'm honest, Jude doesn't age!"

"Oh, of course," Lily scoffed, rolling her eyes, "you know that when we are like thirty, Jude will only be fifteen, he will be our age now when we are thirty, and if you think of it, thirty isn't that old!"

"I know!" Adria exclaimed, "we are going to be so hot at thirty though, and cool, we'll be the coolest thirty year olds."

"We should live together," Lily giggled, "but not just when we are thirty, like after Hogwart's too, how fun would that be!"

"Oh merlin, that would be so fun!" Adria gasped, "but imagine me, you, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary all living together in a flat somewhere," Adria giggled.

"That sounds fun, but Sirius would be over all the bloody time," Lily laughed, rolling her eyes whilst Adria pushed her gently, "would you move in with Sirius?"

"Right after Hogwarts?" asked Adria, watching Lily nod her head, "I'm not sure, I'd like some time with my dad, I suppose, and I think it's a little too early to think about all that adulty stuff, and in saying that, we'd still only be teenagers, and it depends if he'd move in with me-"

"But would you?"

"Well yes, of course I would," she nodded, "I'd love too."

"How adorable," Lily teased, watching Adria roll her eyes whilst she grabbed her things, "you know, as much as Sirius is a bit annoying, I can't say you two aren't really cute."

"Oh, how nice of you to say," Adria giggled, smiling softly, "remember that time in the Three Broom Sticks?"

"Oh yes, back in march when I oh so over dramatically walked out on you?" Lily asked, earning a chuckle from Adria who in turn nodded her head.

"Yes, geez Lily," Adria scoffed sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she done so, "well I may have gone a bit over board with the whole "James is a great guy" thing and whilst he is, and one of my best friends, so I think I could possibly be only a slight bit biased, I'm sorry for going on about it more than I should have."

"Well I accept your apology, even though you didn't need to apologise in the first place," Lily laughed softly, nudging Adria, "look Ads, I can't say that James isn't handsome, and whilst his pestering is rather irritating, I've never had a boy so interested in me before, so it's just a little odd, especially from the boy who doesn't even call me by my first name!"

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