Poems - 63.

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Chapter 63

[A/N there is a part of this chapter that I think is very important, not for the book but I just feel like people need to hear it/read it whether they know it or not :))))]

"Lia, come on!" Adria laughed, pulling on the girls wrist with Alina in two, they were on their way to the Gryffindor common room from the great hall where they previously ate breakfast the day after Adria's 'court case' with her friends.

"I don't know, Ads," she spoke warily, turning to look at Alina who gave her a bright smile for some reassurance. Alina moved beside Lia, her hand on the girls shoulder and her other taking her hand comfortingly.

"Come on Lili, we are here too!" Alina grinned, giving Lia's hand a squeeze, "You know that Sirius is great, and so are the others, and they will love you. They apologised to Adria for judging you, and feel guilty for feeling wairy, so now you have to be the one to give them a chance."

"What if they kick me out of the Gryffindor tower?" asked Lia, thinking of the countless things that would never possibly happen.

"Do you really think I'd let that happen?" Adria scoffed, standing in front of Alina and Lia, with her eyes lingering on their intertwined hands until she raised her eyes to Lia's face, "now come on, they'll love you!" Adria exclaimed, clapping excitedly before turning and rushing down the hall, making the two falling behind speed up their pace.

"Jeez, Ads," Lia panted as they reached the stairs trailing up to the tower, leaning on the wall whilst Alina leaned on her.

"I'm just excited, now come on!" Adria beamed, pulling at both of their hands and leading them up the stairs. She recited the password once she got to the portrait of the fat lady, and the picture swung open to reveal the entrance to the tower.

Adria stepped in first with the two Slytherin's following her lead, and with a wide grin she lead them to her friends who were waiting for them over at the couches adorned with red and gold.

"Friends," Adria grinned, taking a step to the side to show Lia, "this right here is Lia!"

"Well, Ophelia, originally, b-but my parents called me that so I'm not really that keen on it," Lia stuttered, showing a much less intimidating side to herself in front of the eight people that Adria called her friends.

"I'm Marlene!" the blonde stood up, beaming happily at Lia, and making her way towards her with. She pulled the blue haired girl into a hug, and one by one did the girls follow Marlene's lead.

"I'm Dorcas," the brunette smiled, hugging Lia happily before stepping beside Marlene and letting Mary stepped forward.

"Mary MacDonald!" the girl grinned excitedly, throwing her arms around Lia as she stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do as one by one they all hugged her.

"I'm Lily," the redhead beamed, "and I'm also sorry for judging you, none of us should've done that without knowing you, and the fact that we listened to rumours over Adria's word wasn't cool, so on behalf of all of us, and even Potter," she scowled, rolling her eyes, "we're sorry."

Lia smiled widely, nodding her head furiously, "don't worry about it, I'm used to it-" she stopped herself, wide eyed when she realised that came out a little rudely, "I didn't mean that to sound like that - I-I just meant, well, I don't really have any friends because of rumours and all."

Adria noticed Lily's smile falter at Lia's words, she had heard Adria go on about Lia having no friends but she wouldn't think that Lia would admit it, so with a sigh leaving her lips, she threw her arms around Lia in a tight embrace, a frown fully making it's way onto her lips as she realised that Adria done the right thing to befriend her, as would she.

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