Poems - 155.

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Chapter 155

(Judy watching the rain, taken by Douglas Hopkins in the summer of 1949)

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(Judy watching the rain, taken by Douglas Hopkins in the summer of 1949)

The summer's day didn't turn out the way the two wished it would but neither of them seemed to care, it didn't bother them much, it wasn't the biggest issue. The rain poured from the heavens, and the girl watched with fascination as the water poured down, trickling down the window pain, showing her reflection in the small droplets of fresh water, she could watch the rain for hours, propped against the wall of the home she had learned to call her own, her mother, her sister, they both seemed so set on telling her that her boyfriend was wrong for her, but she didn't care.

He was never wrong for her, in fact, he was the only right thing in her life, he waltzed right in, he made her world perfect, changing her frown to the smile seen brightly, the one twitching at her lips, her hand tracing soft circles on the wall as her boyfriend watched from the bed, his bed, but it seemed lately that they shared it mostly, wrapped up in each other's arms, sleeping contently, peacefully, listening to their soft breaths tangling with each other, the soft hum leaving her lips whenever he kissed her forehead just before she would fall to rest.

Their day together was one she was sure she would remember for the rest of her life, a life spent with the boy she loved, she knew she was in love with him, and so did he, they had professed their love at the carnival not long before this very day, but she wished to tell him why, why she found herself in love with him, she just didn't know how, but something inside her told her today was that day, that in this moment shared with the boy on the bed, he deserved to know, and she longed to tell him.

So, as she stared at the rain tumbling to the ground, battering off the window as the wind picked up, and her heart sped up, she whispered, "Douglas?"

"Hmm, what's up, Judy?" he asked, his eyes trailing to her from the white ceiling in the dull room, "you alright baby?"

"I'm amazing," she whispered softly, nodding her head, the sundress she wore floating in the small draft picking up through the window, allowing it to float around her as she trailed over to the bed, sitting close to him, her hand reaching for his, a puff of air falling from her lips as her smile widened.

"What are you thinking about, lovely?" Douglas asked, sitting up in the bed, running his hand through her soft hair, cupping her cheek as she leaned against his hand, bringing both of her hands up to hold his on her face, "you looked awfully concentrated."

"Well, if you where my mother, that would have been a crime," Judy whispered, "girls can't have thoughts, can you believe it?"

"Well," Douglas mumbled, moving closer to capture her lips, "I think the real crime would be to let that mind of yours go to waste."

"I love you," she finally blurted out, her eyes filled with adoration, her forehead resting against his, "I'm so in love with you, I wish to shout it from mountains, rooftops, and I know that I've told you already, I know that you love me to, and my god I couldn't be happier, but I feel like there's more to it!"

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