Poems - 95.

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Chapter 95

"Adria, I really don't think this is a good idea," James mumbled as he gripped onto her hand, allowing her to pull him out of her room.

"And I'm having déjà vu," Adria scoffed, "look, James, I am not failing this again, and I would've gotten 'show no mercy, Sirius' to help me, but he enjoys sleep far too much."

James chuckled, nodding his head as he done so, "fine, Ads, but if this doesn't help us win, then what will?"

"Don't worry, I have something for Arden, too," Adria grinned evilly, "a little payback for telling Benji the first time."

"You are actually rather terrifying, if I'm honest," James commented, rolling his eyes as he gripped her hand tighter, unsure if he should be feeling so happy about the way her hand fit in his.

"I try my best," Adria laughed, pulling James along to the room near hers, she held her ear to the door, letting go of James' hand quickly to take a look under the door which didn't show any lurking feet, so they were all good, "okay, come on," she whispered, pulling on James' wrist and into the room.

She watched the two in the bed, Arden was sleeping contently with Benji's arm wrapped tightly around her and her face buried into his chest whilst Adria thankfully had a perfect view of Benji's face. She knew something happened between the two of them, even James 'oblivious' Potter knew that there was something between them, but Adria didn't know what had actually happened and as much as she asked Arden, the girl merely kept her mouth shut.

Adria creeped over to the side closest to her brother, scooshing the slightest bit of shaving cream onto her hand, she acted as careful as she could. She knew that Benji was a rather deep sleeper, but just like her, he could be light if he wanted to be.

As slowly as she could, Adria rubbed the shaving cream onto Benji's eyebrow, cringing when he moved slightly but ultimately picked up her pace when he made no signs to wake up. With a breath of air leaving her lips, Adria picked up the razor she had brought with her, leaning forward as best she could, she quickly shaved off his left eyebrow, biting her lip as she done so.

She was ready to shave the second one when he moved suddenly, turning over in his sleep so that he was out of view and Adria decided that one was enough so she grabbed James' hand, a grin taking over her lips as she pulled him out and into the hall.

"We did it!" she grinned, clapping her hands before throwing her arms around his neck, laughing as she done so.

"We did!" James nodded, grinning just the same before he pulled his head back to look at her. She was laughing, her eyes on his as she watched the grin widen.

And just like that, it happened, and he couldn't stop himself as much as he tried to supress it, he couldn't. His lips where on hers in a split second, and as much as he longed for her lips, only a split second was what he got. Adria pulled away as quickly as she could, her eyes wide as she pulled herself out of James' grip.

"James, I-I-"

"No, Adria, look," he started frantically, seeing the shocked look that took over her features he had made a mistake. He knew he had.

He had just kissed his best friend, his best friend's girlfriend, he couldn't do that, why did he do that?

He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head, "Ads, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!" he exclaimed, his glasses moving on his face as she just watched him in silent shock. It was completely unexpected for James Potter, the boy she saw as her brother, her best friend in the entire world, the boy she could laugh with about absolutely anything, had just kissed her.

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