Poems - 40.

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Chapter 40

The quidditch game brought a large amount of happiness amongst the Gryffindor's, everyone seemed a lot keener to talk to Adria now that she had won them the first game of the season, and whilst she was still rather shy when it came to people, the praise was always enjoyable.

Her legs rested over James as she read in the common room whilst his eyes lingered on something behind her, something she couldn't see. Her hair fell in front of her face, and occasionally she could hear Remus laughing from the arm chair, and when she looked up, he was laughing at her.

"Why are you laughing at me?" she exclaimed with a laugh of her own, finally having enough as she looked up from her book.

"Your reactions to the book, Ads," he scoffed, his eyebrow raised as he nudged his head in the direction of the book resting on her lap, "Hilarious is all."

"I'm glad my pain is bringing you happiness," she grumbled, sitting the book down beside her and lying on her back atop of the sofa. It was Saturday and whilst the three of them suggested going to Hogsmeade, the weather didn't seem all that good to venture out of the castle, so instead, they decided that staying indoors, and having a warmer day by the fire may be the best thing to do.

"Bloody hell James, what are you looking at?" asked Adria, who had caught him plenty of times whenever Remus laughed at her, she turned her head, her eyes widening slightly when the only other person in the common room, sat at a desk on her own, with her work things sprawled out in front of her and a look of concentration on her face was, Lily.

"I'm, I'm not looking at anything, Ads, w-what?" he stuttered over his words, his gaze moving from Lily to the fire in front, whilst Remus and her shared a look.

"You like Lily, don't you?!" she squealed, keeping her tone hushed so that Lily wouldn't hear, James shook his head furiously, but her grin widened when the faint sight of a blush tinged his face, "Who'd think James Potter, the Gryffindor chaser and all around popular boy would be blushing over fancying a girl."

"She's not just a girl, Ads!" He huffed, Adria clasped her hand over her mouth to stop from giggling.

"Well, James, she is a girl," Adria smirked, "she's also my best friend, which kind of makes me obligated to tell her."

"Don't you dare!" James exclaimed, wide eyed as he grabbed hold of her to stop her, resulting in more giggles falling from her mouth.

"I thought you didn't like her, James, what's the big deal?" she teased, her head titled slightly to the side as he narrowed his eyes, "so defensive."

"Oh shut up," he grumbled, "maybe I like her, a little bit."

"Well I thought you hated her," Remus piped in, laughing slightly whilst Adria nodded.

"Yeah what happened to that?" asked Adria whilst James merely shrugged.

"I never hated her, she hates me." He mumbled.

"Yeah because you bully her best friend," Adria chuckled as if it was obvious, which It was, if he just stopped teasing Severus then there wouldn't be much of a problem.

"I don't bully him," James spoke, rolling his eyes whilst Remus nodded his head in agreement, "it's just pranks, and he's just as bad!"

"You rule him out, victimise him and humiliate him," Adria laughed, "and don't get me wrong, I don't like him myself, and honestly, I don't think he's too keen on me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to think of pranks just to wind him up."

"It's harmless, Ads," James attempted to reassure her, and whilst she didn't exactly agree, she nodded her head anyway, because she'd rather just agree than argue with him.

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