Poems - 37.

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Chapter 37

Sirius couldn't be happier that he had Adria by his side again, he admits that he was being a bit of an idiot with the amount of times he had left to spend times with girls. But what Sirius didn't know was that his constant disappearances was making Adria jealous, rather than upset with losing her friend, and what Adria didn't know was that the constant girls that Sirius talked to was him - attempting - to get over the raging feelings that he felt for her.

He couldn't like Adria, he just couldn't, there was no chance that she would ever like him back, so the results turned him to talking to other girls. He couldn't get the thought of her out of his mind, which caused him to go for the girls particularly opposite from her, and whilst he couldn't deny that it was a major confidence, and ego boost when the girls he talked to, talked back, that girls actually wanted to talk to him the only problem was that they just weren't the girl for him, no matter how much he tried to supress it.

But with every girl that Sirius continued to talk to, and even though he made sure to make a lot more time for her, it ate away at Adria with so much pain that she hid behind grins and teasing him.

But no matter what, the thought of Adria sent Sirius into a frenzy of feelings that where so foreign to him that it was rather terrifying that one girl could do this to him, but she wasn't just one girl, she was Adria.

The moment he spoke to her again, the moment the feelings for her engulfed him and pulled him back into a pathetic excuse of a boy that pinned after a girl he could never have, but he just couldn't help it.

Whenever the sound of her laughter hitting his ears like a soft melody that he could listen to on repeat or her smile widening at a joke someone told her and the side of her eyes crinkling whilst they gleamed with happiness, showing the colour of perfect blue which he couldn't get enough of. Or whenever she bounced down the steps from the girls dormitory with a spring in her step that put a smile on his face for the day ahead, with her notebook clutched in her hand and he sees she has styled her hair in that loosely pleated braid that make the loose strands of hair frame her face so effortlessly that it takes everything in him not to stare at her for longer than what was normal in a friendship.

So, supressing his feelings was second nature to him, but they always managed to creep their way back through him whenever she seeped through his thoughts, or he could hear her laugh from the other end of a classroom, he couldn't get away from her.

But he didn't want to.

He just didn't want to jeopardise their friendship, because her being in his life in any way possible was better than her not being in his life at all, so hiding the feelings he had for her was fairly easy when the thought of losing her at all was at stake.

Currently, seeing as his friendship with Adria was back to normal, the two sat in the common room with the other three boys, whilst Peter told them the story of how a real life girl talked to him.

"Pete, I'm a girl," Adria laughed as she leaned against Sirius, her hand absentmindedly tracing his hand that sat atop the red and gold couch, "I talk to you all of the time."

"Yes, but you don't like me," Peter stated the obvious, rolling his eyes, "she talked to me first, Ads, I didn't even know what to do!"

"Merlin, please tell me you talked back?!" James groaned, throwing his head back as his legs sprawled over the arm of the armchair.

"Well, I did...kind of." Peter blushed, mumbling his response as the four others groaned.

"Peter, we aren't a foreign species," Adria laughed, "what is the girls name?"

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