Poems - 140.

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Chapter 140

"Did you have fun at James' house?" asked Benji as he lay on the blanket, his arm around his sister as they watched the clouds. The day was a warm one, thankfully, and the two decided that they needed a day to themselves, they hadn't had one in while.

"Yeah it was pretty fun," she grinned, nodding as she sat up, a small smile on her face as she looked at her brother, "obviously, I missed my brother though."

"Oh, how nice," Benji grinned, following her lead as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, it was pretty sad without seeing Alfie," she tutted, watching the frown attack his lips as he pushed her shoulder, "I'm only joking, I miss you a lot Benji, in general, at Hogwarts, it's hard not seeing you all the time."

"Aren't you used to it? it's been like this for a while," Benji mumbled, knowing full well that he himself wasn't used to it, at all. Both his sister, his best friend in the whole world that he simply couldn't live without, and his amazing girlfriend where off to Hogwarts, the place that sounded like a dream that he wasn't allowed to sleep amongst, but had to wait, count down the days until summer to see the two people he loved the most, come back for only a few months.

And then they were off again.

"I'm never used to it," Adria whispered, reaching for his hand, "I miss you too much, you see, but I suppose it's not all bad that this is our last year of school."

"Ever," Benji smiled softly, "did I tell you that Arden met Beth?"

"How did it go?" Adria asked, her head titled ever so slightly as she watched his smile widen.

"Great," he nodded, "I worried that they wouldn't get along, but I don't know why, they're actually out together today, shopping I think, Arden asked if I could ask you to go too, but I said no because I wanted to spend time with you."

"Oh, you big softy," Adria giggled, shaking her head as she wrapped her arms around her brother, "you and Arden are so lovely together."

"I'm so in love with her, Adria," he whispered, his cheeks flushed red as his smile widened into a grin, a laugh leaving his lips as he thought of his girlfriend, "we went to visit Alfie and Grace a while back, and Alfie was holding Mila and Grace was lying beside him and it made me realise that I want that, I want a family, with Arden, I want to marry her, I want a house, and children, and maybe a dog, and maybe our children with be magical, and maybe they can read minds, and that doesn't matter to me, all I know is that I will love them unconditionally no matter what, as long as I'll have Arden by my side, I don't care what happens in my life."

"You must really miss her when we go back to Hogwarts," Adria sighed, frowning as she shook her head, tightening her grip on Benji's hand.

"Painfully," he mumbles, "but some of the best times is when it's just us, and I'm holding her, and she tells me of her year, she's thinking of leaving when you do."

"She is?" Adria gasped, "really?"

"She got amazing scores on her O.W.Ls, she is going to go back for her sixth year as you go for your seventh, and then she might just leave, says that she doesn't really care all that much about Nots is it?"

"Newts," Adria laughed softly, "what is she going to do when she leaves, I don't even know what I want to do!"

"She said she might get a little job that gets her some money, maybe at a muggle shop, or somewhere or maybe a little wizarding job. She told me, Ads, that the wizarding world is in danger, that dark times are approaching, she has a feeling that a war might start, she says she just wants to spend as much time with me as possible, that she can think about a proper job in the future," Benji whispered, a frown attacking his lips.

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