Poems - 6.

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Chapter 6

"I'm so excited!" Lily giggled, clapping her hands together excitedly. Adria had never seen the girl act so differently before, although she was acting the exact same.

"Me too, there's so much to do!" Adria grinned, waiting outside the castle with the fellow students of her year. It was their first trip to Hogsmeade Village and Adria was ecstatic. Considering her fall out with Remus a few weeks ago, Adria had no one apart from Lily who was still trying to hold on to her friendship with Severus which usually resulted in Adria being bored most of the time. Adria wasn't complaining though, whilst she was mostly in her own company she would never ever want to go back to having no friends. Lily was her best friend, and nothing would every change that.

Adria had managed to spot the four boys out of the crowd, and it seemed they saw her too. Remus attempted to talk to her, which he had tried to do every time he spotted her but the girl would always walk away like both Lily and her did. Both Sirius and James had apologised to the girl, but Adria wasn't listening and again walked away. She knew that neither James nor Sirius would ever be sincere with their apology and didn't want to waste her time on them.

But this time, they actually had been sincere. They felt terrible, not only for the fact that they were the reason Remus had lost an incredibly close friend, but the foreign look of hurt on Adria's face was enough to plague them with more guilt.

Adria was fascinated when they arrived in the village, she had lived in Scotland her whole life but she had never seen a village so nice. The village she lived in didn't have as much shops scattered around, and there definitely wasn't a sweet shop.

She lived in a muggle community, with a small muggle school and a few shops here and there. There was nothing extravagant about it, it was rather plain and her house wasn't much of a prize either. Adria's family had moved around quite a lot, moving from town to village every few years but her parents seemed to like the current house they lived in.

A wide grin settled on Adria's face as she stood in the middle of the village next to Lily. She had never seen something so magical in her life, of course excluding Hogwarts. The sweetshop, Honeydukes caught Adria's eyes but there was much more to explore in the small village. There was a potions shop just a bit to the left, a Herbology shop, a wizards clothing shop, a musical instruments shop and she even saw a Jokes shop.

Zonko's joke shop was very near Honeydukes where Adria was set on going first, but what didn't surprise her in the slightest was the four boys, Sirius, Remus, James and Peter heading straight towards it. Adria made a note to stay clear of it until she knew that they had left.

"Where do you want to go first?" Lily asked, unable to keep the smile off of her face.

"Honeydukes!" Adria exclaimed instantly, pulling Lily's arm. The red head responded with laughter as they ran for the shop.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Lily giggled, running with Adria straight into the already busy shop. Adria almost gasped when she saw the colourful insides of the shop, she was almost certain her eyes were going to fall out of her head as she scanned the dozens of sweets and chocolates which stacked the shelves. She and Lily shared a look of excitement before rushing off to explore the shops goods.

Adria must've spent over half an hour in the cramped shop, as soon as students left it seemed that more entered in with the same fascination in their eyes as Adria had. She had to stop herself from buying the entire shop, she of course wouldn't get very far considering she didn't have that much money and ended up buying a bag of chocoballs and a few sugar quills for the extremely boring classes she had to attend.

"I couldn't help myself!" Lily gasped, piling sweets upon sweets onto the counter. Adria giggled at the girls red face, looking around at the sea of students to see if anyone noticed the large amount of sweets on the counter, "I'll share them with you, anyway," Lily said, both girls laughing as the worker bagged the multiple sweets that Lily placed onto the counter. With a grin sent to the two girls, he pushed the bag into Lily's hand and bid them a goodbye.

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