Poems - 92.

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Chapter 92

"How do you think father Adria is going to react when he sees the giant bruise still evidently on your face?" asked Finn as he sat in the compartment with Adria and Milo, Adria let out a laugh as she closed over the book she was reading, one that Blair had lent her praising it from the rooftops.

"Father Adria?" the girl repeated, shaking her head as she done so, "I'm actually much more concerned for Benji's reaction, my dad will be wondering how I handled it, Benji will be planning how he handles the girls."

"Well he won't be able to get into Hogwarts," Milo pointed out, his head leaning atop of Finn's shoulder who absentmindedly traced patterns atop of Milo's hand.

"Oh, that won't stop him," Adria chuckled, "I can safely say I've handled it though, I saw the girls that did it, and they," Adria couldn't help but cut herself off from giggling, she was far too proud of herself for sticking up for Alina, and even though she wished she could do the same for herself, she was just happy that Alina was okay, "they ran the other way!"

"They didn't!" Finn let out a loud laugh, clasping his hand over his mouth, "oh Merlin, Ads, you are my hero!"

"Why thank you," Adria laughed softly, "I just wish, y'know, that I done something sooner instead of enduring so much pain from them, and I can't really complain, if you think of it, because so many people have it worse than me, so many people have been through so much more and here I am, feeling sorry for myself!"

"Your pain does not become invalid at the hands of another human being," Milo sighed, "Adria, you've went through so much, and yes, there will be someone who has been through much more, but you shouldn't feel guilty for hurting because your pain is still pain, it still hurts, and you shouldn't supress it because of someone else's!"

"I guess you're right," Adria mumbled, nodding her head softly, "I'm sorry for breaking the tradition, by the way."

"You didn't, you were simply taking a break," Finn grinned, "a one off, and we make up the rules, so our tradition allows a break, and now we are back on track!"

The smile on Adria's lips couldn't help but widen as she pushed herself up and over to her two best friends, wrapping her arms around them tightly whilst she let a sigh of contentment fall from her lips, "I really don't know what I would do without you two."

"We try our best," Finn joked, patting Adria's cheek before she sat down.

"I really love you two, you are the most entertaining, completely adorable, understanding, kindest two boy's I have ever met and I love you so much," Adria giggled, picking up her book before gesturing to it, "and if you had a book written about you I'd be the first to read it!"

"Oh, imagine a book written about us, that would be fun Milo, wouldn't it?" Finn gasped, turning to Milo who let out a laugh.

"Oh yes," Milo nodded, "but where would one get the inspiration to write about us?"

"Well I'm sure the inspiration exists somewhere!"


"You better not let Potter influence you over the holidays when I'm not there to stop it," Lily warned, wagging a finger in Adria's face whilst she merely laughed.

"As if I would," Adria waved her off, grabbing her outstretched hand and pulling her in for a hug, "I can't believe it's actually break already, it doesn't feel like it has been long at all!"

"You're right," Lily nodded, "but at least you're okay, Ads, and you're going home happy."

Adria let a smile fall onto her lips as she nodded, squeezing Lily tighter before she threw her arms around Marlene, warning the girl that she better write until Lily pulled her from Adria's grip and into her own.

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