Poems - 131.

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Chapter 131

"What happened, what's going on?!" Adria gasped as she tumbled into Dorcas, clutching onto the girl to stop herself from falling, "McGonagall got me out of class!"

"I know," Dorcas whispered, nodding her head slightly before her arms threw around Adria, and a sob escaped her lips, "it's Mary, she's been hurt, a Slytherin attacked her!"

"A-attacked her?!" Adria repeated, her eyes wide as she looked to Lily and Marlene, seeing their eyes glazed with tears and their heads nodding, and finally did they join the hug the two girls where sharing, "when can we see her?!"

"When Madam Pomfrey has finished," Lily muttered, wiping furiously at her eyes, "i-it was one of Severus' friends, the d-death eater."

"You're kidding," Adria clasped her hand over her mouth, stumbling slightly as they all retracted their arms, "I'm going to kill him, I swear!"

"Me too, the bloody arse isn't getting away with this!" Marlene shrieked, shaking her head furiously.

Adria leaned against the wall, wiping at the tears that spilled for her best friend, and soon did she reach for Lily's hand, pulling her close to her and resting her head on her shoulder, a sigh escaping her lips that Mary, the kindest girl, had to go through something like this, "which friend was it?"

"Mulciber," Lily grumbled, "a-and I think Severus helped him, Ads, he used dark magic, really dark magic, he's rubbish in classes, he must've had help!"

"Oh Lils," Adria sighed, pulling her into a hug, "we're going to get them back, they won't get away with this, I promise, we'll get the boys to help, too!"

"No, Ads," Lily shook her head, "we need to see what Mary wants first, right?"

Adria stopped for a second, running a hand through her hair before nodding her head ever so slightly, "yeah, right," she nodded, a frown on her lips.

"Girls?" Madam Pomfrey reached the door to the hospital wing, a frown on her lips and her face hot with anger, "you can see her, now, but she's asleep."

None of them answered as they rushed through the door, although stopping quickly to thank Madam Pomfrey, Adria threw the woman a small smile, quickly pushing herself forward to see her best friend.

"Oh merlin," Adria gasped as she sat on the last chair available close to her bed, furiously shaking her head as she watched Dorcas reach for the girl's hand, "did he punch her, too?"

"He did," Madam Pomfrey huffed as she reached the girls, "an eye witness, the boy that brought her here told me the spells he used, bloody evil, if you ask me, and then he punched her, saying that was the muggle way for her, if that boy didn't bring her here then merlin she would've died!"

"What?!" Adria shrieked, almost standing before Lily pushed her down, "who was it, we have to thank him?!"

"A seventh year," Pomfrey tutted, "said he'd come back later to check on her."

"When will she wake up?" asked Marlene, reaching for Mary's free hand on the bed, and soon turning to look at Madam Pomfrey.

"A few days at most," the older woman sighed, "it's hard to be sure, girls, but company is welcomed, she'll need a friendly face to wake up to after what she has been through."

"Thank you," Adria whispered, her eyes glazed with the tears streaming down her face, "for saving her."

"It's my job, dear, she's a lucky one," Madam Pomfrey gave the girls a smile, patting Adria's shoulder who sat nearest her and turned to help a first year who had fallen down the stairs when they moved.

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